Impact of price shocks and payments on crop diversification and forest use among Malagasy vanilla farmers
Fleming M, Bell A, Harison HR, Herrera J, Duthie AB, Kramer R & Rakotonarivo OS (2025) Impact of price shocks and payments on crop diversification and forest use among Malagasy vanilla farmers. Biological Conservation, 302, Art. No.: 110915.
Preprint / Working Paper
The effect of host population genetic diversity on variation in metrics of parasite success
Paplauskas S, Duthie B & Tinsley M (2024) The effect of host population genetic diversity on variation in metrics of parasite success. BioRxiv.
The Acoustic Index User’s Guide: A practical manual for defining, generating and understanding current and future acoustic indices
Bradfer-Lawrence T, Duthie B, Abrahams C, Adam M, Barnett RJ, Beeston A, Darby J, Dell B, Gardner N, Gasc A, Heath B, Howells N, Kyoseva M, Waddell E & Froidevaux JS (2024) The Acoustic Index User’s Guide: A practical manual for defining, generating and understanding current and future acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Financial incentives often fail to reconcile agricultural productivity and pro-conservation behavior
Bell AR, Rakotonarivo OS, Bhargava A, Duthie AB, Zhang W, Sargent R, Lewis AR & Kipchumba A (2023) Financial incentives often fail to reconcile agricultural productivity and pro-conservation behavior. Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (1), Art. No.: 27.
resevol: An R package for spatially explicit models of pesticide resistance given evolving pest genomes
Duthie AB, Mangan R, McKeon CR, Tinsley MC & Bussière LF (2023) resevol: An R package for spatially explicit models of pesticide resistance given evolving pest genomes. Noble R (Editor) PLOS Computational Biology, 19 (12), Art. No.: e1011691.
A global systematic review of frugivorous animal tracking studies and the estimation of seed dispersal distances
Fell A, Silva T, Duthie A & Dent D (2023) A global systematic review of frugivorous animal tracking studies and the estimation of seed dispersal distances. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (11), Art. No.: e10638.
abmAnimalMovement: An R package for simulating animal movement using an agent-based model
Marshall BM & Duthie AB (2022) abmAnimalMovement: An R package for simulating animal movement using an agent-based model. F1000Research, 11, Art. No.: 1182.
Intervene or wait? A model evaluating the timing of intervention in conservation conflicts adaptive management under uncertainty
Bach A, Minderman J, Bunnefeld N, Mill A & Duthie A (2022) Intervene or wait? A model evaluating the timing of intervention in conservation conflicts adaptive management under uncertainty. Ecology and Society, 27 (3), Art. No.: 3.
Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan
Jones IL, Timoshenko A, Zuban I, Zhadan K, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Hodgson ID, Minderman J, Pozo RA, Whytock RC & Bunnefeld N (2022) Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (7), pp. 1911-1924.
The traits of "trait ecologists": an analysis of the use of trait and functional trait terminology
Dawson SK, Carmona CP, González-Suárez M, Jönsson M, Chichorro F, Mallen-Cooper M, Melero Y, Moor H, Simaika JP & Duthie AB (2021) The traits of "trait ecologists": an analysis of the use of trait and functional trait terminology. Ecology and Evolution, 11 (23), pp. 16434-16445.
Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Payments and Property Rights on Forest User Decisions
Rakotonarivo OS, Bell A, Dillon B, Duthie AB, Kipchumba A, Andriarilala Rasolofoson R, Razafimanahaka J & Bunnefeld N (2021) Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Payments and Property Rights on Forest User Decisions. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, Art. No.: 661987.
The role of incentive-based instruments and social equity in conservation conflict interventions
Rakotonarivo SO, Bell AR, Abernethy K, Minderman J, Duthie AB, Redpath S, Keane A, Travers H, Bourgeois S, Moukagni L, Cusack JJ, Jones IL, Pozo RA & Bunnefeld N (2021) The role of incentive-based instruments and social equity in conservation conflict interventions. Ecology and Society, 26 (2), Art. No.: 8.
Online multiplayer games as virtual laboratories for collecting data on social-ecological decision making
Duthie AB, Minderman J, Rakotonarivo OS, Ochoa G & Bunnefeld N (2021) Online multiplayer games as virtual laboratories for collecting data on social-ecological decision making. Conservation Biology, 35 (3), pp. 1051-1053.
Experimental evidence for conservation conflict interventions: the importance of financial payments, community trust and equity attitudes
Rakotonarivo OS, Jones II, Bell AR, Duthie AB, Cusack JJ, Minderman J, Hogan J, Hodgson I & Bunnefeld N (2021) Experimental evidence for conservation conflict interventions: the importance of financial payments, community trust and equity attitudes. People and Nature, 3 (1), pp. 162-175.
A multispecies assessment of wildlife impacts on local community livelihoods
Pozo RA, LeFlore EG, Duthie AB, Bunnefeld N, Jones IL, Minderman J, Rakotonarivo S & Cusack JJ (2021) A multispecies assessment of wildlife impacts on local community livelihoods. Conservation Biology, 35 (1), pp. 297-306.
Effects of stakeholder empowerment on crane population and agricultural production
Nilsson L, Bunnefeld N, Minderman J & Duthie AB (2021) Effects of stakeholder empowerment on crane population and agricultural production. Ecological Modelling, 440, Art. No.: 109396.
Research Report
Development of a population model tool to predict shooting levels of Greenland barnacle geese on Islay
Bunnefeld N, Pozo RA, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB & Minderman J (2020) Development of a population model tool to predict shooting levels of Greenland barnacle geese on Islay. NatureScot. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report, 1039. Inverness.
Component response rate variation underlies the stability of highly complex finite systems
Duthie AB (2020) Component response rate variation underlies the stability of highly complex finite systems. Scientific Reports, 10, Art. No.: 8296.
Integrating conflict, lobbying, and compliance to predict the sustainability of natural resource use
Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Minderman J, Jones IL, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS, Redpath S & Bunnefeld N (2020) Integrating conflict, lobbying, and compliance to predict the sustainability of natural resource use. Ecology and Society, 25 (2), Art. No.: 13.
Decision Trees for Data Publishing May Exacerbate Conservation Conflict
Minderman J, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Jones IL, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS & Bunnefeld N (2019) Decision Trees for Data Publishing May Exacerbate Conservation Conflict. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3, p. 318.
Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe
Cusack J, Duthie AB, Rakotonarivo OS, Pozo R, Mason T, Månsson J, Nilsson L, Tombre I, Eythórsson E, Madsen J, Tulloch AIT, Hearn R, Redpath S & Bunnefeld N (2019) Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe. Conservation Letters, 12 (1), Art. No.: e12450.
GMSE: an R package for generalised management strategy evaluation
Duthie AB, Cusack JJ, Jones IL, Minderman J, Nilsen EB, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS, Van Moorter B & Bunnefeld N (2018) GMSE: an R package for generalised management strategy evaluation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (12), pp. 2396-2401.
Towards the general mechanistic prediction of community dynamics
Paine CET, Deasey A & Duthie AB (2018) Towards the general mechanistic prediction of community dynamics. Functional Ecology, 32 (7), pp. 1681-1692.
Games as Tools to Address Conservation Conflicts
Redpath S, Keane A, Andren H, Baynham-Herd Z, Bunnefeld N, Duthie AB, Frank J, Garcia CA, Mansson J, Nilsson L, Pollard CRJ, Rakotonarivo OS, Salk CF & Travers H (2018) Games as Tools to Address Conservation Conflicts. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33 (6), pp. 415-426.
Evolution of precopulatory and post-copulatory strategies of inbreeding avoidance and associated polyandry
Duthie AB, Bocedi G, Germain RR & Reid JM (2018) Evolution of precopulatory and post-copulatory strategies of inbreeding avoidance and associated polyandry. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31 (1), pp. 31-45.
Power scaling, vascular branching patterns, and the golden ratio
Frater P & Duthie AB (2016) Power scaling, vascular branching patterns, and the golden ratio. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (1), pp. 15-18.
Evolution of inbreeding avoidance and inbreeding preference through mate choice among interacting relatives
Duthie AB & Reid JM (2016) Evolution of inbreeding avoidance and inbreeding preference through mate choice among interacting relatives. American Naturalist, 188 (6), pp. 651-667.
Plant connectivity underlies plant-pollinator-exploiter distributions in Ficus petiolaris and associated pollinating and non-pollinating fig wasps
Duthie AB & Nason J (2016) Plant connectivity underlies plant-pollinator-exploiter distributions in Ficus petiolaris and associated pollinating and non-pollinating fig wasps. Oikos, 125 (11), pp. 1597-1606.
Inbreeding parents should invest more resources in fewer offspring
Duthie AB, Lee AM & Reid JM (2016) Inbreeding parents should invest more resources in fewer offspring. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (1843), Art. No.: 20161845.
When does female multiple mating evolve to adjust inbreeding? Effects of inbreeding depression, direct costs, mating constraints, and polyandry as a threshold trait
Duthie AB, Bocedi G & Reid JM (2016) When does female multiple mating evolve to adjust inbreeding? Effects of inbreeding depression, direct costs, mating constraints, and polyandry as a threshold trait. Evolution, 70 (9), pp. 1927-1943.
Variation in parent‐offspring kinship in socially monogamous systems with extra‐pair reproduction and inbreeding
Reid JM, Bocedi G, Nietlisbach P, Duthie AB, Wolak M, Gow E & Arcese P (2016) Variation in parent‐offspring kinship in socially monogamous systems with extra‐pair reproduction and inbreeding. Evolution, 70 (7), pp. 1512-1529.;
Do music and art influence one another? Measuring cross-modal similarities in music and art
Duthie AC & Duthie AB (2015) Do music and art influence one another? Measuring cross-modal similarities in music and art. Polymath, 5 (1), pp. 1-22.
Resolving the conundrum of inbreeding depression but no inbreeding avoidance: estimating sex-specific selection on inbreeding by song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)
Reid JM, Arcese P, Bocedi G, Duthie AB, Wolak M & Keller LF (2015) Resolving the conundrum of inbreeding depression but no inbreeding avoidance: estimating sex-specific selection on inbreeding by song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Evolution, 69 (11), pp. 2846-2861.
Demographic mechanisms of inbreeding adjustment through extra-pair reproduction
Reid JM, Duthie AB, Wolak M & Arcese P (2015) Demographic mechanisms of inbreeding adjustment through extra-pair reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84 (4), pp. 1029-1040.
Trade-offs and coexistence in fluctuating environments: evidence for a key dispersal-fecundity trade-off in five nonpollinating fig wasps
Duthie AB, Abbott K & Nason J (2015) Trade-offs and coexistence in fluctuating environments: evidence for a key dispersal-fecundity trade-off in five nonpollinating fig wasps. American Naturalist, 186 (1), pp. 151-158.;
What happens after inbreeding avoidance? Inbreeding by rejected relatives and the inclusive fitness benefit of inbreeding avoidance
Duthie AB & Reid JM (2015) What happens after inbreeding avoidance? Inbreeding by rejected relatives and the inclusive fitness benefit of inbreeding avoidance. PLoS ONE, 10 (4), Art. No.: e0125140.
Quantifying inbreeding avoidance through extra-pair reproduction
Reid JM, Arcese P, Keller LF, Germain R, Duthie AB, Losdat S, Wolak M & Nietlisbach P (2015) Quantifying inbreeding avoidance through extra-pair reproduction. Evolution, 69 (1), pp. 59-74.
Trade-offs and coexistence: A lottery model applied to fig wasp communities
Duthie AB, Abbott K & Nason J (2014) Trade-offs and coexistence: A lottery model applied to fig wasp communities. American Naturalist, 183 (6), pp. 826-841.
Species interactions in ephemeral patch systems: spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal influences
Duthie AB (2013) Species interactions in ephemeral patch systems: spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal influences. Doctor of Philosophy. Iowa State University.
The influence of habitat autocorrelation on plants and their seed-eating pollinators
Duthie AB & Falcy M (2013) The influence of habitat autocorrelation on plants and their seed-eating pollinators. Ecological Modelling, 251, pp. 260-270.
A letter on: The fork and the paperclip: a memetic perspective
Duthie AB (2004) A letter on: The fork and the paperclip: a memetic perspective. Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission, 8 (1).