Professor Bill Phillips

Emeritus Professor

Psychology University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Bill Phillips

Outputs (82)



Maki-Marttunen T, Devor A, Phillips WA, Dale AM, Andreassen OA & Einevoll GT (2019) Computational Modeling of Genetic Contributions to Excitability and Neural Coding in Layer V Pyramidal Cells: Applications to Schizophrenia Pathology. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 13, Art. No.: 66.

Book Review

Phillips WA (2019) Mindful neurons. Review of: Edmund T Rolls, Cerebral cortex: Principles of operation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 992, £66.17, ISBN 10: 0198784856. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72 (3), pp. 661-672.


Larkum ME & Phillips W (2016) Does arousal enhance apical amplification and disamplification?. Commentary on: Mather, M., Clewett, D., Sakaki, M., & Harley, C. (2016). Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots of neuronal excitation: How arousal amplifies selectivity in perception and memory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39. doi:10.1017/S0140525X15000667. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, pp. 32-34, Art. No.: e215.

Book Chapter

Troscianko T, Davidoff J, Humphreys G, Landis T, Fahle M, Greenlee M, Brugger P & Phillips W (2016) Human colour discrimination based on a non-parvocellular pathway. In: Humphreys G & Riddoch J (eds.) A Reader in Visual Agnosia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 277-293.;

Book Chapter

Phillips W (2013) The coordination of probabilistic inference in neural systems. In: Dodig-Crnkovic G & Giovagnoli R (eds.) Computing Nature: Turing Centenary Perspective. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, 7. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 61-70.;

Book Chapter

Phillips W (2012) How do neural systems use probabilistic inference that is context-sensitive to create and preserve organized complexity?. In: Simeonov P, Smith L & Ehresmann A (eds.) Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 63-69.;

Book Chapter

Phillips W, von der Malsburg C & Singer W (2010) Dynamic coordination in brain and mind. In: von der Malsburg C, Phillips W & Singer W (eds.) Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. Strungmann Forum Reports, 5. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp. 1-24.

Conference Abstract

Hancock PJB, Phillips W & Walton L (2007) Probing schizophrenia with a contour-integration task. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arezzo, 27/08/2007 - 31/08/2007. Perception, 36 (Supplement), pp. 118-118.


Phillips W (2004) Belief in the primacy of fantasy is misleading and unnecessary. Commentary on: Behrendt, R., & Young, C. (2004). Hallucinations in schizophrenia, sensory impairment, and brain disease: A unifying model. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(6), 771-787. doi:10.1017/S0140525X04000184. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27 (6), pp. 802-803.


Silverstein SM & Phillips W (2004) Distinguishing schizophrenia from the mechanisms underlying hallucinations. Commentary on: Behrendt, R., & Young, C. (2004). Hallucinations in schizophrenia, sensory impairment, and brain disease: A unifying model. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(6), 771-787. doi:10.1017/S0140525X04000184. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27 (6), pp. 805-806.


Phillips W & Silverstein SM (2004) Unity and diversity in disorders of cognitive coordination. Commentary on: Bertone, A., Mottron, L., & Faubert, J. (2004). Autism and schizophrenia: Similar perceptual consequence, different neurobiological etiology? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(4), 592-593. doi:10.1017/S0140525X04260137 Faubert, J., & Bertone, A. (2004). A common link between aging, schizophrenia, and autism? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(4), 593-594. doi:10.1017/S0140525X04270133. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27 (4), pp. 594-600.


Phillips W (2003) The short-term dynamics within a network of connections is creative. Commentary on: Ruchkin, D., Grafman, J., Cameron, K., & Berndt, R. (2003). Working memory retention systems: A state of activated long-term memory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(6), 709-728. doi:10.1017/S0140525X03000165. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26 (6), pp. 752-753.


Phillips W (2001) Synchronization: Making sense of the data. Commentary on: Fries, P. et al. Modulation of oscillatory neuronal synchronization by selective visual attention. Science. 2001; 291: 1560–1563. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5 (7), p. 285.

Conference Paper (published)

Toombs SP, Phillips W & Smith L (1998) Reinforcement Landmark Learning. In: Pfeifer R, Blumberg B, Meyer J & Wilson S (eds.) From Animals to Animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Fifth International Conference on Adaptive Behavior (SAB98), Zurich, Switzerland, 17.08.1998-21.08.1998. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT, pp. 205-212.

Book Chapter

Phillips W (1997) Theories of cortical computation. In: Rugg M (ed.) Cognitive Neuroscience. Studies in Cognition. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 11-46.

Book Chapter

Phillips W, Kay JW & Smyth DM (1995) How local cortical processors that maximize coherent variation could lay foundations for representation proper. In: Smith L & Hancock P (eds.) Neural Computation and Psychology: Proceedings of the 3rd Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW3), Stirling, Scotland, 31 August – 2 September 1994. Workshops in Computing. London: Springer, pp. 117-133.

Conference Paper (published)

Hancock PJB, Smith L & Phillips W (1991) A biologically supported error-correcting learning rule. In: Kohonen T, Makisara K, Simula O & Kangas J (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks: Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-91), Espoo, Finland, 24-28 June 1991, Volume 1. 1991 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-91), Espoo, Finland, 24.06.1991-28.06.1991. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 531-536.

Book Chapter

Phillips W & Smith L (1989) Conventional and Connectionist Approaches to Face Processing by Computer. In: Young A & Ellis H (eds.) Handbook of Research in Face Processing. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 513-518.

Book Chapter

Phillips W, Hancock PJB, Wilson NJ & Smith L (1989) On the Acquisition of Object Concepts from Sensory Data. In: Eckmiller I & von der Malsburg C (eds.) Neural Computers. Springer Study Edition, 41. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 159-168.


Phillips W (1988) Brainy Minds. Commentary on: A critical notice of Parallel Distributed Processing (Volume I: Foundations; Volume II: Psychological and biological models), by D. E. Rumelhart, J. L. McClelland, and the PDP Research Group. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1986. ISBNS: Vol. I: 0262-68053X; Vol. II: 0262-631105. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology, 40 (2), pp. 389-405.


Wilson JTL, Wiedmann KD, Phillips W & Brooks DN (1988) Visual Event Perception in Alcoholics. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 10 (2), pp. 222-234.

Book Chapter

Phillips W, Inall M & Lauder E (1985) On the discovery, storage and use of graphic descriptions. In: Freeman N & Cox M (eds.) Visual Order: The Nature and Development of Pictorial Representation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 122-134.


Phillips W (1983) Short-term visual memory. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 302 (1110), pp. 295-309.


Phillips W & Christie DFM (1977) Components of visual memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29 (1), pp. 117-133.


Phillips W & Christie DFM (1977) Interference with visualization. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29 (4), pp. 637-650.


Phillips W & Baddeley A (1971) Reaction time and short-term visual memory. Psychonomic Science, 22 (2), pp. 73-74.