Carer harm: a challenge for practitioners, services and research
Donnelly S, Isham L, Mackay K, Milne A, Montgomery L, Sherwood-Johnson F & Wydall S (2025) Carer harm: a challenge for practitioners, services and research. The Journal of Adult Protection.
Dangerous care: developing theory to safeguard older adults in caring relationships in the UK
Sherwood-Johnson F, Rummery K, Lawrence J, Mackay K, Ramsay K & McGregor R (2023) Dangerous care: developing theory to safeguard older adults in caring relationships in the UK. Journal of Adult Protection.
Negotiating safety and vulnerability in everyday life: perspectives of UK older people from participative research
Sherwood-Johnson F, Mackay K & Greasley-Adams C (2022) Negotiating safety and vulnerability in everyday life: perspectives of UK older people from participative research. European Journal of Social Work, 25 (3), pp. 485-496.
Building knowledge for policy and practice based on service user and carer experiences: A case study of Scottish adult safeguarding research
Sherwood-Johnson F & Mackay K (2021) Building knowledge for policy and practice based on service user and carer experiences: A case study of Scottish adult safeguarding research. Journal of Social Work, 21 (5), pp. 1182-1202.
Research Report
Feeling Safe? Feeling Vulnerable? Exploring Older People's Views and Experiences of Safety and Vulnerability in Everyday Life
Sherwood-Johnson F, Mackay K & Greasley-Adams C (2019) Feeling Safe? Feeling Vulnerable? Exploring Older People's Views and Experiences of Safety and Vulnerability in Everyday Life. Sir Halley Stewart Trust. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Discovery or Construction? Theorising the Roots of Adult Protection Policy and Practice
Sherwood-Johnson F (2016) Discovery or Construction? Theorising the Roots of Adult Protection Policy and Practice. Social Work Education, 35 (2), pp. 119-130.
Independent advocacy in adult support and protection work
Sherwood-Johnson F (2016) Independent advocacy in adult support and protection work. Journal of Adult Protection, 18 (2), pp. 109-118.;
Research Report
Keeping adults safe from mistreatment: an independent advocacy perspective
Sherwood-Johnson F (2015) Keeping adults safe from mistreatment: an independent advocacy perspective. The Carnegie Trust. University of Stirling.
A different kind of practice? Meanings attached by practitioners to the category of "adult protection"
Sherwood-Johnson F (2014) A different kind of practice? Meanings attached by practitioners to the category of "adult protection". Journal of Social Work, 14 (5), pp. 473-490.
The experience of being protected
Sherwood-Johnson F, Cross B & Daniel B (2013) The experience of being protected. Journal of Adult Protection, 15 (3), pp. 115-126.
Constructions of vulnerability in comparative perspective: Scottish protection policies and the trouble with "adults at risk"
Sherwood-Johnson F (2013) Constructions of vulnerability in comparative perspective: Scottish protection policies and the trouble with "adults at risk". Disability and Society, 28 (7), pp. 908-921.
Problems with the Term and Concept of 'Abuse': Critical Reflections on the Scottish Adult Support and Protection Study
Sherwood-Johnson F (2012) Problems with the Term and Concept of 'Abuse': Critical Reflections on the Scottish Adult Support and Protection Study. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (5), pp. 833-850.;
Finding the words to work together: Developing a research design to explore risk and adult protection in co-produced research
Brookes I, Archibald S, McInnes K, Cross B, Daniel B & Sherwood-Johnson F (2012) Finding the words to work together: Developing a research design to explore risk and adult protection in co-produced research. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40 (2), pp. 143-151.
What is an "adult protection" issue? Victims, perpetrators and the professional construction of adult protection issues
Sherwood-Johnson F (2012) What is an "adult protection" issue? Victims, perpetrators and the professional construction of adult protection issues. Critical Social Policy, 32 (2), pp. 203-222.
Research Report
Working Together in Adult Support and Protection: Views and Tools of People who Access Support
Daniel B, Cross B, Sherwood-Johnson F, Finlayson S & McConnell F (2011) Working Together in Adult Support and Protection: Views and Tools of People who Access Support. The Big Lottery. University of Stirling and Thistle Foundation.
Abuse and Protection Issues across the Lifespan: Reviewing the Literature
Sherwood-Johnson F, Hogg J & Daniel B (2010) Abuse and Protection Issues across the Lifespan: Reviewing the Literature. Social Policy and Society, 9 (2), pp. 291-304.