Dr Hyeyoon Park

Lect. in International Politics

Politics A94a Pathfoot Building University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Hyeyoon Park

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About me

Dr. Hyeyoon Park is a Lecturer in International Politics. Her research spans the areas of global governance, global environmental politics, and global political economy. She focuses on the interplay between global norm development and international power politics and its impact on the agency of various state and non-state actors in transnational environmental governance (with specific focus on China as an emerging power, the business sector and actors from the global South). Her empirical research interests center on transnational governance pertaining to critical mineral resource extraction and green/climate finance. Her work aims to analyze those governance realms from critical perspectives, in terms of global equity and planetary justice (such as climate colonialism).

She has published multiple academic articles on the topics, in high-impact journals such as Global Environmental Politics and Chinese Journal of International Politics, book chapters, and policy reports while working as a former policy researcher at Korea Environment Institute (KEI), a government think tank on environmental policies.

Before joining the University of Stirling, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in Political Science at Lund University in Sweden and in the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Born in South Korea, she gained her B.A. in Political Science and International Relations (major) and Law (minor) from Yonsei University in Seoul, her M.A. in Political Science from Free University of Berlin in Germany, and her Ph.D. in Political Science from Colorado State University in the USA. Her PhD dissertation examined China’s role in transparency norm development in global extractives governance, drawing on realist constructivism in International Relations.

She is passionate about international research and teaching collaborations based on her experience working and studying in six different countries - the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, the USA, Germany, and South Korea. She is a research fellow of the Earth System Governance, the largest social science research network in the field of global environmental change and governance (https://www.earthsystemgovernance.org/).

In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano and violin, as well as creating nature-inspired paintings.


Key research expertise: Global environmental politics, global governance, global norm, extractive industries, climate finance, China

Hyeyoon’s research spans the areas of global governance, global environmental politics, and global political economy. She focuses on the interplay between global norm development and international power politics and its impact on the agency of various state and non-state actors in transnational environmental governance (with specific focus on China as an emerging power, the business sector and actors from the global South).

Her current projects include the impact of geopolitical rivalries on global governance of critical mineral extraction, multi-level power dynamics in transnational climate finance governance, transparency of private climate finance (TRANSGOV project based at Wageningen University, https://trans-gov.org/), climate colonialism regarding climate finance, the state's role in decarbonizing energy-intensive industries (e.g., the steel sector), and climate litigation & norm contestations.

Outputs (11)


Book Chapter

Park H (2024) South Korea. In: Fiorino DJ, Eisenstadt TA & Ahluwalia MK (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 439–443. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802209204.ch84

Book Chapter

Park H (2024) Stranded Assets. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 198-202. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802209204.ch37

Book Chapter

D. VanDeveer S, Park H, Sun Y & M. Betsill M (2023) Extractive industries and mineral resources: turbulence all around. In: Global Environmental Politics in a Turbulent Era. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 75-89. https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781802207149/book-part-9781802207149-13.xml; https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802207149.00013

Book Chapter

Park H (2020) Air Quality Worldwide. In: Environmental Issues Today: Choices and Challenges. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 41 - 64. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/environmental-issues-today-9781440859847/

Website Content

Park H (2020) Kim Jong-un May Use Missiles to Mask Economic Insecurity. The National Interest [Blog post] 19.05.2020. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/korea-watch/kim-jong-un-may-use-missiles-mask-economic-insecurity-155691

Book Chapter

Scobie M, Betsill MM & Park H (2020) Agency in a Multiscalar World. In: Cambridge University Press, pp. 108-119. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108688277.009


Hyeyoon’s teaching expertise encompasses International Relations, Global Governance, Global Political Economy, and Global Environmental Politics. She has taught various undergraduate and graduate courses, including M.A. thesis supervision, at Colorado State University (2019-2021) and Lund University (2021-2023). She teaches the following modules at the University of Stirling.

POLU9IP: International Politics

International politics is essential to understanding the world in which we live. Yet understanding international politics requires that you develop knowledge and insight into the different theoretical tools necessary to explain, predict, and critique the world around us. In this module, students will advance and hone their understanding of the different theoretical and analytical approaches used in the scholarship of international relations, including realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism, and critical theory.

POLU9EZ: Environmental Politics in an International Context

In this module, students will survey the current literature and debates surrounding the environment in International Relations (IR). Students will garner a comprehensive overview of the political, economic, social, and ethical aspects involved in multilateral environmental agreements. Students will learn to critically analyse the actors, architecture, and issues shaping global environmental governance and politics today, such as environmental security and conflicts, global environmental justice, global climate governance, and global biodiversity governance.