Mr Anuj Vadher

PhD Researcher

Psychology Stirling

Mr Anuj Vadher

Contact details

About me

I completed my undergraduate in Psychology from the University of Stirling in 2020, and later I graduated with a research master's degree in Integrative Neuroscience from the University of Edinburgh in 2021.

During my master's degree, I was based in Prof. Matthew Nolan's Lab where I worked in the domain of spatial cognition in mice, more specifically with grid cells - a position encoding cell found in the medial entorhinal cortex with discrete firing fields forming a regularly repeating triangular grid-like pattern. I am primarily interested in the neural circuitry of navigation and memory.

For my PhD project, I am studying spatial cognition in rat models of autism/intellectual disability (ASD/ID) in the Wood/Dudchenko Lab in Edinburgh, jointly run by Prof. Dudchenko (Stirling) and Dr. Wood (Edinburgh). We study spatial cognition in rats using various spatial memory related tasks as well as the head direction circuits.