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About me
I am originally from a small but dense-populated city near the largest lake on the earth (Caspian Sea, Iran). Witnessing rapid changes over this lake was a gravitational force that drew me to work on the water-related issue. Currently, I am PhD student and Early-stage researcher working on the effect of climate change on dissolved oxygen (DO) in lakes. I have been lucky to be a member of a big project called inventWater to educate water scientists. More specifically, in my PhD project, we developed a one-D physical-based model to simulate the DO profile at the bottom of lakes. This model was first calibrated and validated in Lake Erken, Sweden. Then the climate change scenarios data were applied to this model to simulate the future changes of DO under global warming effects. Further investigation would be on the effect of lake shape on deoxygenation and suggesting adaptation strategies against the progression of deoxygenation.
Water quality modelling, hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling, impacts of climate change on water resources, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, water management
Matlab Water quality modeling