Ms Xin Miao

Research Fellow

Education 3T4, RG Bomont Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Ms Xin Miao

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About me

About me

I have submitted my PhD thesis (title: Geography Curriculum Making in Shanghai: Teacher Agency in times of change; viva date: 30th Jan 2024). Before returning to higher education for doctoral studies, I taught geography in Chinese schools (in Shanghai) and international schools (specialised in IGCSE and A level Geography).

I got my first degree is BSc Geographical Sciences in Nanjing Normal University. My second degree was MA Curriculum and Pedagogy (Geography) in East China Normal University (in Shanghai).

During my postgraduate programme, I was a research partner in the international project Geocapabilities Phase 2: Teachers as Curriculum Leaders (2015-2018). I worked closely with the project coordinator (Professor David Lambert) and developed two video case studies with geography teachers teaching in London schools, later used as teacher training materials.

From Oct 2022 to Jun 2023, I take up two roles in the Faculty: PGR cohort chair (organising online cohort meetings monthly every Thursday afternoon 2-5pm); PGR representative in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

From Jan 2023, I have been the convenor of Early Career Researchers Network at Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA ECR). I run their social media account, and developed a YouTube channel (30+ videos) to develop peer learning and support communities for all. I feature the ECR network with three key events: Edit your writing workshop, Conversations with scholars and Reading Club.

I also led a Connected for Resilience project ( a Vice-Chancellor Funding project, 2022-23) to enhance student experience in Stirling. The weekly and monthly events were announced and posted at Instagram @ConnectedforResilience

From February 2023, I started an initiative to map inspirational women, which is updated (almost daily) at Twitter Mapping Inspirational Women (@GeoEdu4) , podcasts (, and blogs:


Geography education, teacher agency, curriculum making, teacher education, professional learning, feminist approach, cartography/cartograms