Weir S & Kessler SE (2022) The making of a (dog) movie star: The effect of the portrayal of dogs in movies on breed registrations in the United States. PLoS ONE, 17 (1), Art. No.: e0261916.
I originally graduated from Ryerson University, Canada with a BComm (Hons) in International Business. After a career in technology consulting I undertook a MSc in Human Animal Interaction at the University of Stirling graduating with distinction in 2020. I am now undertaking a PhD investigating UK dog laws and their impacts. My supervisors are Dr Sharon Kessler and Dr Clare Andrews.
My PhD research focuses on better understanding dog laws across the UK.
Weir S & Kessler SE (2022) The making of a (dog) movie star: The effect of the portrayal of dogs in movies on breed registrations in the United States. PLoS ONE, 17 (1), Art. No.: e0261916.