Dr Ian Jones

Lecturer in Environmental Sensing

Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Dr Ian Jones

About me

Dr Ian Jones

BSc Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK

MSc Non-linear Mathematics, University of Bath, UK

PhD Physical Oceanography, University of Liverpool, UK.

Teaching: I teach on several UG courses at the University: Biogeography; Practical Science Skills; Environmental Resilience; and Statistical Techniques, as well as the MSc module, Environmental Costs of Energy Production.

Research: I am particularly interested in the interplay between lake physics and lake ecology. In addition to using data from long-term monitoring, from field campaigns and from remote sensing I have worked extensively with data collected from automated in situ monitoring buoys. I also work with a variety of physical and biological numerical models. Current research includes the impacts of changing meteorology on lakes, including the effects of secular warming, wind stilling, rainfall patterns, and extreme events as well as the effect deploying floating solar panels has on lake ecosystems.

Publications in the last 20 years:

Olsson F., Mackay E. B., Spears B. M., Barker P., & Jones I. D. Interacting impact of hydrological changes and climate warming on lake temperatures highlight the potential for adaptive management. Ambio. Online Early https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-024-02015-6.

Mzyece C.C., Glendell M., Gagkas Z., Quilliam R.S., Jones I., Pagaling E., Akoumianaki I., Newman C. & Oliver D.M. (2024) Eliciting expert judgements to underpin our understanding of faecal indicator organism loss from septic tank systems. Science of the Total Environment, 921, 171074.

Jones I.D. & Smol J. P. (Editors) (2024) Wetzel’s Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems (4th Edition). Oxford: Elsevier. 1088 pp.

Jones I. & Smol J.P. (2024) Prologue. In: Wetzel’s Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems (4th Edition). pp. 1–5, Oxford: Elsevier.

Ayala A.I., Mesman J.P., Jones I.D., de Eyto E., Jennings E., Goyette S., and Pierson D.C. (2023) Climate change impacts on surface heat fluxes in a deep monomictic lake. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038355.

Golub M., Thiery W., Marcé R., Pierson D., Vanderkelen I., Mercado-Bettin D., Woolway R.I., Grant L., Jennings E., Kraemer B.M., Schewe J., Zhao F., Frieler K., Mengel M., Bogomolov V.Y., Bouffard D., Côté M., Couture R.-M., Debolski, A.V., Droppers B., Gal G., Guo M., Janssen A.B.G., Kirillin G., Ladwig R., Magee M., Moore T., Perroud M., Piccolroaz S., Raaman Vinnaa L., Schmid M., Shatwell T., Stepanenko V.M., Tan Z., Woodward B., Yao H., Adrian R., Allan M., Anneville O., Arvola L., Atkins K., Boegman L., Carey C., Christianson K., de Eyto E., DeGasperi C., Grechushnikova M., Hejzlar J., Joehnk K., Jones I.D., Laas A., Mackay E.B., Mammarella I., Markensten H., McBride C., Özkundakci D., Potes M., Rinke K., Robertson D., Rusak J.A., Salgado R., van der Linden L., Verburg P., Wain D., Ward N.K., Wollrab S., Zdorovennova G. (2022) A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 4597–4623

Olsson F., Mackay B.E., Moore T., Barker P., Davies S., Hall R., Spears B., Wilkinson J., & Jones I.D. (2022) Annual water residence time effects on thermal structure: A potential restoration measure? Journal of Environmental Management, 314, 115082.

Olsson F., Mackay B.E., Barker P., Davies S., Hall R., Spears B., Exley G., Thackeray S.J. & Jones I.D. (2022) Can reductions in water residence time be used to disrupt seasonal stratification and control internal loading in a eutrophic monomictic lake? Journal of Environmental Management, 304, 114169.

Mackay E.M., Gray E. & Jones I.D. (2022) Biophysical Interactions in Phytoplankton. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd Edition (Ed. Mehner T.), 154-162. Elsevier.

Jennings E., de Eyto E., Jones I., Ibelings B., Adrian R., Woolway R.I. (2022) Ecological consequences of climate extremes for lakes. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd Edition (Ed. Mehner T.), 174-183. Elsevier

Mesman J.P., Stelzer J.A.A., Goyette S., Jones I.D., Kasparian J., McGinnis D.F. & Ibelings B.W. (2021) The role of internal feedbacks in shifting deep lake mixing regimes under a warming climate. Freshwater Biology, 66, 1021–1035.

Exley G., Armstrong A., Page T. & Jones I.D. (2021) Floating photovoltaics could mitigate climate change impacts on water body temperature and stratification. Solar Energy, 219, 24–33.

Giling D.P., Staehr P.A., Grossart H.-P., Andersen M.R., Boehrer B., Escot C., Evrendilek F., Gomez-Gener L., Honti M., Jones I.D., Karakaya N., Laas A., Moreno-Ostos E., Rinke K., Scharfenberger U., Schmidt S.R., Weber M., Woolway R.I., Zwart J.A. & Obrador B. (2021) Corrigendum for Giling et al. (2017). Delving deeper: Metabolic processes in the metalimnion of stratified lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 62, 1288-1306. Limnology & Oceanography, 66, 2088-2092.

Pilla R.M., Williamson C.E., Adamovich B.V., Adrian R., Anneville O., Chandra S., Colom-Montero W., Devlin S.P., Dix M.A., Dokulil M.T., Gaiser E.E., Girdner S.F., Hambright K.D., Hamilton D.P., Havens K., Hessen D.O., Higgins S.N., Huttula T.H., Huuskonen H., Isles P.D.F., Joehnk K.D., Jones I.D., Keller W.B., Knoll L.B., Korhonen J., Kraemer B.M., Leavitt P.R., Lepori F., Luger M.S., Maberly S.C., Melack J.M., Melles S.J., Muller-Navarra D.C., Pierson D.C., Pislegina H.V., Plisnier P.D., Richardson D.C., Rimmer A., Rogora M., Rusak J.A., Sadro S., Salmaso N., Saros J.E., Saulnier-Talbot E., Schindler D.E., Schmid M., Shimaraeva S.V., Silow E.A., Sitoki L.M., Sommaruga R., Straile D., Strock K.E., Thiery W., Timofeyev M.A., Verburg P., Vinebrooke R.D., Weyhenmeyer G.A. & Zadereev E. (2020) Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes. Scientific Reports, 10, 20514.

Wilson H.L., Ayala A.I., Jones I.D., Rolston A., Pierson D., de Eyto E., Grossart H-P., Perga M-E., Woolway R.I. & Jennings E. (2020) Variability in epilimnion depth estimations in lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 5559-5577.

Armstrong A., Page T., Thackeray S.J., Hernandez R.R. & Jones I.D. (2020) Integrating environmental understanding into freshwater floatovoltaic deployment using an effects hierarchy and decision trees. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 114055.

Maberly S., O'Donnell R., Woolway R.I., Cutler M., Gong M., Jones I.D., Merchant C., Miller C., Politi E., Scott M., Thackeray S. & Tyler A. (2020) Global lake thermal regions shift under climate change. Nature Communications, 11:1232.

Gray E., Mackay E.B., Elliott J.A., Folkard A.M & Jones I.D. (2020) Wide-spread inconsistency in estimation of lake mixed depth impacts interpretation of limnological processes. Water Research, 168, 115136.

Mackay E.B & Jones I.D. (2019) Internal phosphorus loading in Esthwaite Water: considering the role of weather and climate. In: Internal Phosphorus Loading: Causes, Case Studies and Management (Eds. Steinman A. & Spears B.), 263-283, J Ross Publishing.

Woolway R.I., Merchant C.J., Van Den Hoek J., Azorin-Molina C., Nõges P., Laas A., Mackay E.B. & Jones I.D. (2019) Northern Hemisphere atmospheric stilling accelerates lake thermal responses to a warming world. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 11983–11992.

Gray E., Elliott J.A., Mackay E.B., Folkard A.M., Keenan P.O. & Jones I.D. (2019) Modelling lake cyanobacteria blooms: disentangling the climate-driven impacts of changing mixed depth and water temperature. Freshwater Biology, 64, 2141–2155.

Jones I. & Armstrong A. (2018) Investigating the impacts of floating solar on the water environment. PV Tech Power, 15, 60–63.

Rusak J.A., Tanentzap A.J., Klug J., Rose K.C., Hendricks S.P., Jennings E., Laas A., Pierson D., Ryder E., Smyth R.L., White D.S., Winslow L.A., Adrian R., Arvola L., de Eyto E., Feuchtmayr H., Honti M., Istvánovics V., Jones I.D., McBride C.G., Schmidt S.R., Seekel D., Staehr P.A. & Zhu G. (2018) Wind and trophic status explain within and among-lake variability of algal biomass. Limnology & Oceanography Letters, 3, 409–418.

Woolway R.I., Verburg P., Lenters J.D., Merchant C.J., Hamilton D.P., Brookes J., de Eyto E., Kelly S., Healey N.C., Hook S., Laas A., Pierson D., Rusak J.A., Kuha J., Karjalainen J., Kallio K., Lepistö A. & Jones I.D. (2018) Geographic and temporal variations in turbulent heat loss from lakes: A global analysis across 45 lakes. Limnology & Oceanography, 63, 2436–2449.

Page T., Smith P.J., Beven K.J., Jones I.D., Elliott J.A., Maberly S.C., Mackay E.B., De Ville M. & Feuchtmayr H. (2018) Adaptive forecasting of phytoplankton communities. Water Research, 134, 74–85.

Woolway R.I., Verburg P., Merchant C.J., Lenters J.D., Hamilton D.P., Brookes J., Kelly S., Hook S., Laas A., Pierson D., Rimmer A., Rusak J.A. & Jones I.D. (2017) Atmospheric boundary layer is more unstable above low-latitude and small lakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8875–8883.

Page T., Smith P., Beven K., Jones I.D., Elliott A., Maberly S., Mackay E., de Ville M. & Feuchtmayr H. (2017) Constraining uncertainty and process-representation in an algal community lake model using high frequency in-lake observations. Ecological Modelling, 357, 1–13.

Giling D.P., Staehr P.A., Grossart H.-P., Andersen M.R., Boehrer B., Escot C., Evrendilek F., Gomez-Gener L., Honti M., Jones I.D., Karakaya N., Laas A., Moreno-Ostos E., Rinke K., Scharfenberger U., Schmidt S.R., Weber M., Woolway R.I., Zwart J.A. & Obrador B. (2017) Delving deeper: Metabolic processes in the metalimnion of stratified lakes. Limnology & Oceanography, 62, 1288–1306.

Andersen M., Sand-Jensen K., Woolway R.I. & Jones I.D. (2017) Profound daily vertical stratification and mixing in a shallow, wind-exposed pond with submerged macrophytes. Aquatic Sciences, 79, 395–406.

Woolway R.I., Meinson P., Nõges P., Jones I.D. & Laas A. (2017) Atmospheric stilling leads to prolonged thermal stratification in a large shallow polymictic lake. Climatic Change, 141, 759–773.

Maberly S.C., Ciar D., Elliott J.A., Jones I.D., Reynolds C.S., Thackeray S.J. & Winfield I.J. (2017) From ecological informatics to the generation of ecological knowledge: long-term research in the English Lake District. In: Ecological Informatics, (Eds. Recknagel F. & Michener W. K.) 455–482. Springer International Publishing.

Thackeray S.J., Henrys P.A., Hemming D., Bell J.R., Botham M.S., Burthe S., Helaouet P., Johns D.G., Jones I.D., Leech D.I., Mackay E.B., Massimino D., Atkinson S., Bacon P.J., Brereton T.M., Carvalho L., Clutton-Brock T.H., Duck C., Edwards M., Elliott J.M., Hall S.J.G., Harrington R., Pearce-Higgins J.W., Høye T.T., Kruuk L.E.B., Pemberton J.M., Sparks T.H., Thompson P.M., White I., Winfield I.J. & Wanless S. (2016) Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels. Nature, 535, 241–245.

Woolway R.I., Jones I.D., Maberly S.C., French J.R., Livingstone D.M., Monteith D.T., Simpson G.L., Thackeray S.J., Andersen M.R., Battarbee R.W., DeGasperi, C.L., Evans C.D., de Eyto E., Feuchtmayr H., Hamilton D.P., Kernan M., Krokowski J., Rimmer A., Rose K.C., Rusak J.A., Ryves D.B., Scott D.R., Shilland E.M., Smyth R.L., Staehr P.A., Thomas R., Waldron S. & Weyhenmeyer G.A. (2016) Diel Surface Temperature Range Scales with Lake Size. PLoS ONE, 11, e0152466.

Woolway R.I., Jones I.D., Hamilton D.P., Maberly S.C., Muraoka K., Read J.S., Smyth R.L. & Winslow L.A. (2015) Automated calculation of surface energy fluxes with high-frequency lake buoy data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 70, 191–198.

Woolway R.I., Jones I.D., Feuchtmayr H. & Maberly S.C. (2015) A comparison of the diel variability in epilimnetic temperature for five lakes in the English Lake District. Inland Waters, 5, 139–154.

Acreman M.C., Blake J.R., Carvalho L.R., Dunbar M.J., Gunn I.D.M., Gustard A., Jones I.D., Laize C., Maberly S.C., Mackay E.B., May L., Mountford J.O., Spears B.M., Stratford C.J., Thackeray S.J. & Winfield I.J. (2015) Ecohydrology. In: Progress in modern hydrology: past, present and future (Eds. Rodda, J.C. & Robinson M.) 267–301. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell.

Law R.J., Elliott A.E., Jones I.D. & Page T. (2014) The influence of different environmental conditions upon the initial development and ecological dynamics of phytobenthic communities. Fundamental & Applied Limnology, 185, 139–153.

Woolway R.I., Maberly S.C., Jones I.D. & Feuchtmayr H. (2014) A novel method for estimating the onset of thermal stratification in lakes from surface water measurements. Water Resources Research, 50, 5131–5140.

Mackay E. M., Folkard A. M. & Jones I.D. (2014) Interannual variations in atmospheric forcing determine trajectories of hypolimnetic soluble reactive phosphorus supply in a eutrophic lake. Freshwater Biology, 59, 1646–1658.

Feuchtmayr H., Thackeray S.J., Jones I.D., De Ville M., Fletcher J., James B. & Kelly J. (2014) Corrigendum for: Spring phytoplankton phenology – are patterns and drivers of change consistent among lakes in the same climatological region? (vol 57, p331, 2012). Freshwater Biology, 59, 2222.

Bertilsson S., Burgin A., Carey C.C., Fey S.B., Grossart H-P., Grubisic L.M., Jones I.D., Kirillin G., Lennon J.T., Shade A. & Smyth R.L. (2013) The under-ice microbiome of seasonally frozen lakes. Limnology & Oceanography, 58, 1998–2012.

Thackeray S.J., Henrys P.A., Feuchtmayr H., Jones I.D., Maberly S.C. & Winfield I.J. (2013) Food web de-synchronisation in England’s largest lake: an assessment based on multiple phenological metrics. Global Change Biology, 19, 3568–3580.

Jennings E., Jones S., Arvola L., Staehr P.A., Gaiser E., Jones I.D., Weathers K.C., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Chiu C.-Y. & De Eyto E. (2012) Effects of weather-related episodic events in lakes: an analysis based on high-frequency data. Freshwater Biology, 57, 589–601.

Foley B., Jones I.D., Maberly S.C. & Rippey B. (2012) Long-term changes in oxygen depletion in a small temperate lake: effects of climate change and eutrophication. Freshwater Biology, 57, 278–289.

Mackay E.B., Jones I.D., Folkard A.M. & Barker P. (2012) Contribution of sediment focussing to heterogeneity of organic carbon and phosphorus burial in small lakes. Freshwater Biology, 57, 290–304.

Feuchtmayr H., Thackeray S.J., Jones I.D., De Ville M., Fletcher J., James B. & Kelly J. (2012) Spring phytoplankton phenology – are patterns and drivers of change consistent among lakes in the same climatological region? Freshwater Biology, 57, 331–344.

Thackeray S.J., Henrys P.A., Jones I.D. & Feuchtmayr H. (2012) Eight decades of phenological change for a freshwater cladoceran: what are the consequences of our definition of seasonal timing? Freshwater Biology, 57, 345–359.

Mackay E.B., Jones I.D., Folkard A.M. & Thackeray S.J. (2011) Transition zones in small lakes: the importance of dilution and biological uptake on lake-wide heterogeneity. Hydrobiologia, 678, 85–97.

Read J.S., Hamilton D.P., Jones I.D., Muraoka K., Winslow L.A., Kroiss R., Wu C.H. & Gaiser E. (2011) Derivation of lake mixing and stratification indices from high-resolution lake buoy data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26, 1325–1336.

Mackay E.B., Jones I.D., Thackeray S.J. & Folkard A.M. (2011) Spatial heterogeneity in a temperate lake during archetypal weak forcing conditions. Fundamental & Applied Limnology, 179, 27–40.

Jones I.D., Page T., Elliott J.A., Thackeray S.J. & Heathwaite A.L. (2011) Increases in lake phytoplankton biomass caused by future climate-driven changes to seasonal river flow. Global Change Biology, 17, 1809–1820.

Thackeray S.J., Sparks T.H., Frederiksen M., Burthe S., Bacon P.J., Bell J.R., Botham M.S., Brereton T.M., Bright P.W., Carvalho L., Clutton-Brock T.H., Dawson A., Edwards M., Elliott J.M., Harrington R., Johns D., Jones I.D., Jones J.T., Leech D.I.., Roy D.B., Scott W.A., Smith M., Smithers R.J., Winfield I.J. & Wanless S. (2010) Trophic level asynchrony in rates of phenological change for marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. Global Change Biology, 16, 3304–3313.

Rooney G.C & Jones I.D. (2010) Coupling the 1-D lake model FLake to the community land-surface model JULES. Boreal Environmental Research, 15, 501–512.

Spears B.M. & Jones I.D. (2010) The long-term (1979-2005) effects of the NAO on wind induced wave mixing in Loch Leven (Scotland). Hydrobiologia, 646, 49–59.

Jones I., Persson I. & Sahlberg J. (2010) Modelling the impact of climate change on the thermal characteristics of lakes. In: The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes (Ed. George G.) 103–120. Springer, Netherlands.

Meis S., Thackeray S.J. & Jones I.D. (2009) Effects of recent climate change on phytoplankton phenology in a temperate lake. Freshwater Biology, 54, 1888–1898.

Elliott J.A., Jones I.D. & Page T. (2009) The importance of nutrient source in determining the influence of retention time on phytoplankton: an explorative modelling study of a naturally well-flushed lake. Hydrobiologia, 627, 129–142.

Persson I. & Jones I.D. (2008) The effect of water colour on lake hydrodynamics: a modelling study. Freshwater Biology, 53, 2345–2355.

Bernhardt J., Elliott J.A. & Jones I.D. (2008) Modelling the effects on phytoplankton communities of changing mixed depth and background extinction coefficient on three contrasting lakes in the English Lake District. Freshwater Biology, 53, 2573–2586.

Thackeray S.J., Jones I.D. & Maberly S.C. (2008) Long-term change in the phenology of spring phytoplankton: species-specific responses to nutrient enrichment and climatic change. Journal of Ecology, 96, 523–535.

Jones I.D., Winfield I.J. & Carse F. (2008) Assessment of long-term changes in habitat availability for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in a temperate lake using oxygen profiles and hydroacoustic surveys. Freshwater Biology, 53, 393–402.

Jones I. & Maberly S.C. (2008) Automatic in-lake monitoring in the English Lake District: The effect of lake size on stratification. Verhandlungen fur theoretische und angewandte limnologie, 30, 70–72.

Jones I.D. & Elliott J.A. (2007) Modelling the effects of changing retention time on abundance and composition of phytoplankton species in a small lake. Freshwater Biology, 52, 988–997.

Elliott J.A., Jones I.D. & Thackeray S.J. (2006) Testing the sensitivity of phytoplankton communities to changes in water temperature and nutrient load in a temperate lake. Hydrobiologia, 559, 401–411.

Madgwick G., Jones I.D., Thackeray S.J., Elliott J.A. & Miller H.J. (2006) Phytoplankton communities and antecedent conditions: high resolution sampling in Esthwaite Water. Freshwater Biology, 51, 1798–1810.

Folkard A. & Jones I. (Editors) (2005) 9th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters. 290pp. Published by Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Persson I., Jones I., Sahlberg J., Dokulil M., Hewitt D., Lepparanta M. & Blenckner T. (2005) Modeled thermal response of three European lakes to a probable future climate. Verhandlungen fur theoretische und angewandte limnologie, 29, 667–671.

Jones I., George G. & Reynolds C. (2005) Quantifying effects of phytoplankton on the heat budget of two large limnetic enclosures. Freshwater Biology, 50, 1239–1247.