Economic incentives for woodland creation on farmland: Modelling the impacts on biodiversity
Nthambi M, Simpson K, Bradfer-Lawrence T, Dobson A, Finch T, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Park K, Watts K & Hanley N (2024) Economic incentives for woodland creation on farmland: Modelling the impacts on biodiversity. Ecological Economics, 224, Art. No.: 108265.
A family of process-based models to simulate landscape use by multiple taxa
Gardner E, Robinson RA, Julian A, Boughey K, Langham S, Tse-Leon J, Petrovskii S, Baker DJ, Bellamy C, Buxton A, Franks S, Monk C, Morris N, Park KJ & Fuentes-Montemayor E (2024) A family of process-based models to simulate landscape use by multiple taxa. Landscape Ecology, 39, Art. No.: 102.
Larger and structurally complex woodland creation sites provide greater benefits for woodland plants
Waddell EH, Fuentes‐Montemayor E, Park KJ, Carey P, Guy M, Macgregor NA & Watts K (2024) Larger and structurally complex woodland creation sites provide greater benefits for woodland plants. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5 (2).
Acoustic activity of bats at power lines correlates with relative humidity: a potential role for corona discharges
Froidevaux JSP, Jones G, Kerbiriou C & Park KJ (2023) Acoustic activity of bats at power lines correlates with relative humidity: a potential role for corona discharges. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290 (1995), Art. No.: 20222510.
Exploring how greenspace programmes might be effective in supporting people with problem substance use: a realist interview study
Masterton W, Parkes T, Carver H & Park KJ (2022) Exploring how greenspace programmes might be effective in supporting people with problem substance use: a realist interview study. BMC Public Health, 22 (1), Art. No.: 1661.
Moth community responses to woodland creation: The influence of woodland age, patch characteristics and landscape attributes
Fuentes‐Montemayor E, Watts K, Sansum P, Scott W & Park KJ (2022) Moth community responses to woodland creation: The influence of woodland age, patch characteristics and landscape attributes. Diversity and Distributions.
Project Report
Improving knowledge Of Xylella fastidiosa vector ecology: modelling vector occurrence and abundance in the wider landscape in Scotland.
Chapman D, A'Hara S, Broadmeadow S, Cairns R, Cottrell J, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Lester K, Occhibove F, Rogerson S, White SM & Park K (2022) Improving knowledge Of Xylella fastidiosa vector ecology: modelling vector occurrence and abundance in the wider landscape in Scotland.. Plant Health Centre. Dundee.
Future restoration should enhance ecological complexity and emergent properties at multiple scales
Bullock JM, Fuentes-Montemayor E, McCarthy B, Park K, Hails RS, Woodcock B, Watts K, Corstanje R & Harris J (2022) Future restoration should enhance ecological complexity and emergent properties at multiple scales. Ecography, 2022 (4).
Tree size, microhabitat diversity and landscape structure determine the value of isolated trees for bats in farmland
Froidevaux JSP, Laforge A, Larrieu L, Barbaro L, Park K, Fialas PC & Jones G (2022) Tree size, microhabitat diversity and landscape structure determine the value of isolated trees for bats in farmland. Biological Conservation, 267, Art. No.: 109476.
The long-term development of temperate woodland creation sites: from tree saplings to mature woodlands
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Park KJ, Cordts K & Watts K (2022) The long-term development of temperate woodland creation sites: from tree saplings to mature woodlands. Forestry, 95 (1), pp. 28-37.
Greenspace programmes for mental health: A survey study to test what works, for whom, and in what circumstances
Masterton W, Park K, Carver H & Parkes T (2021) Greenspace programmes for mental health: A survey study to test what works, for whom, and in what circumstances. Health and Place, 72, Art. No.: 102669.
Can epiphytic lichens of remnant Atlantic oakwood trees in a planted ancient woodland site survive early stages of woodland restoration?
Broome A, Inchboard LL, Perks M, Clarke T, Park KJ & Thompson R (2021) Can epiphytic lichens of remnant Atlantic oakwood trees in a planted ancient woodland site survive early stages of woodland restoration?. Annals of Forest Science, 78 (3), Art. No.: 58.
Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management
Downey H, Amano T, Cadotte M, Cook CN, Cooke SJ, Haddaway NR, Jones JPG, Littlewood N, Walsh JC, Abrahams MI, Adum G, Akasaka M, Alves JA, Antwis RE & Park KJ (2021) Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 (1), Art. No.: e12032.
Ecological time lags and the journey towards conservation success
Watts K, Whytock RC, Park KJ, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor NA, Duffield S & McGowan PJK (2020) Ecological time lags and the journey towards conservation success. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4, pp. 304-311.
Greenspace interventions for mental health in clinical and non-clinical populations: What works, for whom, and in what circumstances?
Masterton W, Carver H, Parkes T & Park K (2020) Greenspace interventions for mental health in clinical and non-clinical populations: What works, for whom, and in what circumstances?. Health and Place, 64, Art. No.: 102338.
Regional land-use and local management create scale-dependent 'landscapes of fear' for a common woodland bird
Whytock RC, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Call E, Mann JA & Park KJ (2020) Regional land-use and local management create scale-dependent 'landscapes of fear' for a common woodland bird. Landscape Ecology, 35 (3), p. 607–620.
Small mammal responses to long-term large-scale woodland creation: the influence of local and landscape-level attributes
Fuentes‐Montemayor E, Ferryman M, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Hambly N, Brennan S, Coxon R, Langridge H & Park KJ (2020) Small mammal responses to long-term large-scale woodland creation: the influence of local and landscape-level attributes. Ecological Applications, 30 (2), Art. No.: e02028.
How important are different non-native conifers in Britain to Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra curvirostra?
McNab E, Summers R, Harrison G & Park KJ (2019) How important are different non-native conifers in Britain to Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra curvirostra?. Bird Study, 66 (1), pp. 64-72.
Woodland restoration on agricultural land: long-term impacts on soil quality
Ashwood F, Watts K, Park K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Benham S & Vanguelova EI (2019) Woodland restoration on agricultural land: long-term impacts on soil quality. Restoration Ecology, 27 (6), pp. 1381-1392.
Niches for Species, a multi-species model to guide woodland management: An example based on Scotland's native woodlands
Broome A, Bellamy C, Rattey A, Ray D, Quine CP & Park KJ (2019) Niches for Species, a multi-species model to guide woodland management: An example based on Scotland's native woodlands. Ecological Indicators, 103, pp. 410-424.
The metric matters when assessing diversity: Assessing lepidopteran species richness and diversity in two habitats under different disturbance regimes
Kirkpatrick L, Mitchell S & Park K (2018) The metric matters when assessing diversity: Assessing lepidopteran species richness and diversity in two habitats under different disturbance regimes. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (22), pp. 11134-11142.
Fodder crop management benefits Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) outside agri-environment schemes
McCallum HM, Wilson JD, O'Brien MG, Beaumont D, Sheldon R & Park KJ (2018) Fodder crop management benefits Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) outside agri-environment schemes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 265, pp. 470-475.
Flexible foraging strategies in Pipistrellus pygmaeus in response to abundant but ephemeral prey
Kirkpatrick L, Graham J, McGregor S, Munro L, Scoarize M & Park K (2018) Flexible foraging strategies in Pipistrellus pygmaeus in response to abundant but ephemeral prey. PLOS ONE, 13 (10), Art. No.: e0204511.
Context-dependent colonization of terrestrial habitat 'islands' by a long-distance migrant bird
Whytock RC, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Williams L & Park KJ (2018) Context-dependent colonization of terrestrial habitat 'islands' by a long-distance migrant bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285 (1885), p. 20181490.
Local-scale attributes determine the suitability of woodland creation sites for Diptera
Fuller L, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Bitenc K & Park KJ (2018) Local-scale attributes determine the suitability of woodland creation sites for Diptera. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (3), pp. 1173-1184.
Bird-community responses to habitat creation in a long-term, large-scale natural experiment
Whytock R, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, De Andrade PB, Whytock R, French P, Macgregor N & Park K (2018) Bird-community responses to habitat creation in a long-term, large-scale natural experiment. Conservation Biology, 32 (2), pp. 345-354.
The impacts of predators and parasites on wild bumblebee colonies
Goulson D, O'Connor S & Park K (2018) The impacts of predators and parasites on wild bumblebee colonies. Ecological Entomology, 43 (2), pp. 168-181.
Causes of colony mortality in bumblebees
Goulson D, O'Connor S & Park K (2018) Causes of colony mortality in bumblebees. Animal Conservation, 21 (1), pp. 45-53.
An integrated framework to identify wildlife populations under threat from climate change
Razgour O, Taggart J, Manel S, Juste J, Ibanez C, Rebelo H, Alberdi A, Jones G & Park K (2018) An integrated framework to identify wildlife populations under threat from climate change. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18 (1), pp. 18-31.
Non-invasive genotyping and spatial mark-recapture methods to estimate European pine marten density in forested landscapes
Kubasiewicz LM, Quine CP, Summers RW, Coope R, Cottrell JE, A'Hara SW & Park K (2017) Non-invasive genotyping and spatial mark-recapture methods to estimate European pine marten density in forested landscapes. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 28 (2), pp. 265-271.
Location of bumblebee nests is predicted by counts of nest-searching queens
O'Connor S, Park K & Goulson D (2017) Location of bumblebee nests is predicted by counts of nest-searching queens. Ecological Entomology, 42 (6), pp. 731-736.
Negative impacts of felling in exotic spruce plantations on moth diversity mitigated by remnants of deciduous tree cover
Kirkpatrick L, Bailey S & Park K (2017) Negative impacts of felling in exotic spruce plantations on moth diversity mitigated by remnants of deciduous tree cover. Forest Ecology and Management, 404, pp. 306-315.
Landscape-scale effects of single- and multiple small wind turbines on bat activity
Minderman J, Gillis M, Daly H & Park K (2017) Landscape-scale effects of single- and multiple small wind turbines on bat activity. Animal Conservation, 20 (5), pp. 455-462.
Promoting natural regeneration of Juniperus communis: a synthesis of knowledge and evidence for conservation practitioners
Broome A, Long D, Ward L & Park K (2017) Promoting natural regeneration of Juniperus communis: a synthesis of knowledge and evidence for conservation practitioners. Applied Vegetation Science, 20 (3), pp. 397-409.
Species mobility and landscape context determine the importance of local and landscape-level attributes
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor N, Lopez Z & Park K (2017) Species mobility and landscape context determine the importance of local and landscape-level attributes. Ecological Applications, 27 (5), pp. 1541-1554.
Responses of bats to clear fell harvesting in Sitka Spruce plantations, and implications for wind turbine installation
Kirkpatrick L, Oldfield IF & Park K (2017) Responses of bats to clear fell harvesting in Sitka Spruce plantations, and implications for wind turbine installation. Forest Ecology and Management, 395, pp. 1-8.
Seasonal complementary in pollinators of soft-fruit crops
Ellis C, Feltham H, Park K, Hanley N & Goulson D (2017) Seasonal complementary in pollinators of soft-fruit crops. Basic and Applied Ecology, 19, pp. 45-55.
Bat use of commercial coniferous plantations at multiple spatial scales: Management and conservation implications
Kirkpatrick L, Maher SJ, Lopez Z, Lintott PR, Bailey S, Dent D & Park K (2017) Bat use of commercial coniferous plantations at multiple spatial scales: Management and conservation implications. Biological Conservation, 206, pp. 1-10.
The neonicotinoid insecticide thiacloprid impacts upon bumblebee colony development under field conditions
Ellis C, Park K, Whitehorn PR, David A & Goulson D (2017) The neonicotinoid insecticide thiacloprid impacts upon bumblebee colony development under field conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (3), pp. 1727-1732.
Predicting bat distributions and diversity hotspots in Southern Africa
Cooper-Bohannon R, Rebelo H, Jones G, Cotterill F, Monadjem A, Schoeman MC, Taylor P & Park K (2016) Predicting bat distributions and diversity hotspots in Southern Africa. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 27 (1).
Newspaper / Magazine
Planet Earth II: why most animals can’t hack city living
Park K (2016) Planet Earth II: why most animals can’t hack city living. The Conversation. 09.12.2016.
Fur and faeces: an experimental assessment of non-invasive DNA sampling for the European pine marten
Kubasiewicz LM, Minderman J, Woodall L, Quine CP, Coope R & Park K (2016) Fur and faeces: an experimental assessment of non-invasive DNA sampling for the European pine marten. Mammal Research, 61 (4), pp. 299-307.
Using historical woodland creation to construct a long-term, large-scale natural experiment: The WrEN project
Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor N, Peredo-Alvarez V, Ferryman M, Bellamy C, Brown N & Park K (2016) Using historical woodland creation to construct a long-term, large-scale natural experiment: The WrEN project. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (9), pp. 312-3025.
A role for liming as a conservation intervention? Earthworm abundance is associated with higher soil pH and foraging activity of a threatened shorebird in upland grasslands
McCallum HM, Wilson J, Beaumont D, Sheldon R, O'Brien MG & Park K (2016) A role for liming as a conservation intervention? Earthworm abundance is associated with higher soil pH and foraging activity of a threatened shorebird in upland grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 223, pp. 182-189.
Differential responses of cryptic bat species to the urban landscape
Lintott P, Barlow K, Bunnefeld N, Briggs P, Gajas Roig C & Park K (2016) Differential responses of cryptic bat species to the urban landscape. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (7), pp. 2044-2052.
Drivers of Public Attitudes towards Small Wind Turbines in the UK
Tatchley C, Paton H, Robertson E, Minderman J, Hanley N & Park K (2016) Drivers of Public Attitudes towards Small Wind Turbines in the UK. PLoS ONE, 11 (3), Art. No.: e0152033.
Diversionary feeding: an effective management strategy for conservation conflict?
Kubasiewicz LM, Bunnefeld N, Tulloch AIT, Quine CP & Park K (2016) Diversionary feeding: an effective management strategy for conservation conflict?. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (1), pp. 1-22.
Are woodland creation schemes providing suitable resources for biodiversity? Woodland moths as a case study
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Peredo-Alvarez V, Watts K & Park K (2015) Are woodland creation schemes providing suitable resources for biodiversity? Woodland moths as a case study. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24 (12), pp. 3049-3070.
Opportunities for improving the foraging potential of urban waterways for bats
Lintott P, Bunnefeld N & Park K (2015) Opportunities for improving the foraging potential of urban waterways for bats. Biological Conservation, 191, pp. 224-233.
Soil pH and organic matter content add explanatory power to Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus distribution models and suggest soil amendment as a conservation measure on upland farmland
McCallum HM, Park K, O'Brien MG, Gimona A, Poggio L & Wilson J (2015) Soil pH and organic matter content add explanatory power to Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus distribution models and suggest soil amendment as a conservation measure on upland farmland. Ibis, 157 (4), pp. 677-687.
Experimental evidence that wildflower strips increase pollinator visits to crops
Feltham H, Park K, Minderman J & Goulson D (2015) Experimental evidence that wildflower strips increase pollinator visits to crops. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (16), pp. 3523-3530.
Mitigating the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity: bats and their potential role as bioindicators
Park K (2015) Mitigating the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity: bats and their potential role as bioindicators. Mammalian Biology, 80 (3), pp. 191-204.
Differential responses to woodland character and landscape context by cryptic bats in urban environments
Lintott P, Bunnefeld N, Minderman J, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Mayhew RJ, Olley L & Park K (2015) Differential responses to woodland character and landscape context by cryptic bats in urban environments. PLoS ONE, 10 (5), Art. No.: e0126850.
Estimates and correlates of bird and bat mortality at small wind turbine sites
Minderman J, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Pearce-Higgins JW, Pendlebury C & Park K (2015) Estimates and correlates of bird and bat mortality at small wind turbine sites. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24 (3), pp. 467-482.
What can studies of woodland fragmentation and creation tell us about ecological networks? A literature review and synthesis
Humphrey J, Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor N, Peace AJ & Park K (2015) What can studies of woodland fragmentation and creation tell us about ecological networks? A literature review and synthesis. Landscape Ecology, 30 (1), pp. 21-50.
City life makes females fussy: sex differences in habitat use of temperate bats in urban areas
Lintott P, Bunnefeld N, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Minderman J, Mayhew RJ, Olley L & Park K (2014) City life makes females fussy: sex differences in habitat use of temperate bats in urban areas. Royal Society Open Science, 1 (3), Art. No.: 140200.
Moth species richness, abundance and diversity in fragmented urban woodlands: implications for conservation and management strategies
Lintott P, Bunnefeld N, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Minderman J, Blackmore LM, Goulson D & Park K (2014) Moth species richness, abundance and diversity in fragmented urban woodlands: implications for conservation and management strategies. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (11), pp. 2875-2901.
Field realistic doses of pesticide imidacloprid reduce bumblebee pollen foraging efficiency
Feltham H, Park K & Goulson D (2014) Field realistic doses of pesticide imidacloprid reduce bumblebee pollen foraging efficiency. Ecotoxicology, 23 (3), pp. 317-323.
Testing the effectiveness of surveying techniques in determining bat community composition within woodland
Lintott P, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Goulson D & Park K (2013) Testing the effectiveness of surveying techniques in determining bat community composition within woodland. Wildlife Research, 40 (8), pp. 675-684.
Research Report
The evidence base for ecological networks: lessons from studies of woodland fragmentation and creation. Report from the WrEn Project, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey
Humphrey J, Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor N & Park K (2013) The evidence base for ecological networks: lessons from studies of woodland fragmentation and creation. Report from the WrEn Project, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey. The Research Agency of the Forestry Commission.
Social learning drives handedness in nectar-robbing bumblebees
Goulson D, Park K, Tinsley MC, Bussiere L & Vallejo-Marín M (2013) Social learning drives handedness in nectar-robbing bumblebees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67 (7), pp. 1141-1150.
Restoration and management of machair grassland for the conservation of bumblebees
Redpath-Downing NA, Beaumont D, Park K & Goulson D (2013) Restoration and management of machair grassland for the conservation of bumblebees. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17 (3), pp. 491-502.
Fragmented woodlands in agricultural landscapes: The influence of woodland character and landscape context on bats and their insect prey
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Goulson D, Cavin L, Wallace JM & Park K (2013) Fragmented woodlands in agricultural landscapes: The influence of woodland character and landscape context on bats and their insect prey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 172, pp. 6-15.
Worker drift and egg dumping by queens in wild Bombus terrestris colonies
O'Connor S, Park K & Goulson D (2013) Worker drift and egg dumping by queens in wild Bombus terrestris colonies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67 (4), pp. 621-627.
Integrating applied ecology and planning policy: The case of micro-turbines and wildlife conservation
Park K, Turner A & Minderman J (2013) Integrating applied ecology and planning policy: The case of micro-turbines and wildlife conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50 (1), pp. 199-204.
The seasonal diet of British pine marten determined from genetically identified scats
Caryl FM, Raynor R, Quine CP & Park K (2012) The seasonal diet of British pine marten determined from genetically identified scats. Journal of Zoology, 288 (4), pp. 252-259.
Using citizen science to monitor Bombus populations in the UK: nesting ecology and relative abundance in the urban environment
Lye G, Osborne JL, Park K & Goulson D (2012) Using citizen science to monitor Bombus populations in the UK: nesting ecology and relative abundance in the urban environment. Journal of Insect Conservation, 16 (5), pp. 697-707.
Factors influencing moth assemblages in woodland fragments on farmland: implications for woodland management and creation schemes
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Goulson D & Park K (2012) Factors influencing moth assemblages in woodland fragments on farmland: implications for woodland management and creation schemes. Biological Conservation, 153, pp. 265-275.
Experimental Evidence for the Effect of Small Wind Turbine Proximity and Operation on Bird and Bat Activity
Minderman J, Pendlebury C, Pearce-Higgins JW & Park K (2012) Experimental Evidence for the Effect of Small Wind Turbine Proximity and Operation on Bird and Bat Activity. PLoS ONE, 7 (7), Art. No.: e41177.
Martens in the matrix: the importance of nonforested habitats for forest carnivores in fragmented landscapes
Caryl FM, Quine CP & Park K (2012) Martens in the matrix: the importance of nonforested habitats for forest carnivores in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Mammalogy, 93 (2), pp. 464-474.
Humans versus dogs; a comparison of methods for the detection of bumble bee nests
O'Connor S, Park K & Goulson D (2012) Humans versus dogs; a comparison of methods for the detection of bumble bee nests. Journal of Apicultural Research, 51 (2), pp. 204-211.
The use of off-farm habitats by foraging bumblebees in agricultural landscapes: Implications for conservation management
Osgathorpe LM, Park K & Goulson D (2012) The use of off-farm habitats by foraging bumblebees in agricultural landscapes: Implications for conservation management. Apidologie, 43 (2), pp. 113-127.
Improving prediction and management of range expansions by combining analytical and individual-based modelling approaches
Travis JM, Harris C, Park K & Bullock JM (2011) Improving prediction and management of range expansions by combining analytical and individual-based modelling approaches. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2 (5), pp. 477-488.
Integrating demographic data and a mechanistic dispersal model to predict invasion spread of Rhododendron ponticum in different habitats
Harris C, Stanford HL, Edwards C, Travis JM & Park K (2011) Integrating demographic data and a mechanistic dispersal model to predict invasion spread of Rhododendron ponticum in different habitats. Ecological Informatics, 6 (41002), pp. 187-195.
Pipistrelle bats and their prey do not benefit from four widely applied agri-environment management prescriptions
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Goulson D & Park K (2011) Pipistrelle bats and their prey do not benefit from four widely applied agri-environment management prescriptions. Biological Conservation, 144 (9), pp. 2233-2246.
Assessing the efficacy of artificial domiciles for bumblebees
Lye G, Park K, Holland J & Goulson D (2011) Assessing the efficacy of artificial domiciles for bumblebees. Journal for Nature Conservation, 19 (3), pp. 154-160.
The effectiveness of agri-environment schemes for the conservation of farmland moths: assessing the importance of a landscape-scale management approach
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Goulson D & Park K (2011) The effectiveness of agri-environment schemes for the conservation of farmland moths: assessing the importance of a landscape-scale management approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48 (3), pp. 532-542.
The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting and bumblebee conservation be reconciled?
Osgathorpe L, Park K, Goulson D, Acs S & Hanley N (2011) The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting and bumblebee conservation be reconciled?. Ecological Economics, 70 (6), pp. 1162-1169.
Testing a detection dog to locate bumblebee colonies and estimate nest density
Waters J, O'Connor S, Park K & Goulson D (2011) Testing a detection dog to locate bumblebee colonies and estimate nest density. Apidologie, 42 (2), pp. 200-205.
Forage use and niche partitioning by non-native bumblebees in New Zealand: Implications for the conservation of their populations of origin
Lye G, Kaden JC, Park K & Goulson D (2010) Forage use and niche partitioning by non-native bumblebees in New Zealand: Implications for the conservation of their populations of origin. Journal of Insect Conservation, 14 (6), pp. 607-615.
Crofting and bumblebee conservation: the impact of land management practices on bumblebee populations in northwest Scotland
Redpath N, Osgathorpe L, Park K & Goulson D (2010) Crofting and bumblebee conservation: the impact of land management practices on bumblebee populations in northwest Scotland. Biological Conservation, 143 (2), pp. 492-500.
Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerial invertebrates at sewage treatment works
Park K, Muller CT, Markman S, Swinscow-Hall O, Pascoe D & Buchanan KL (2009) Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerial invertebrates at sewage treatment works. Chemosphere, 77 (11), pp. 1459-1464.
Assessing the value of Rural Stewardship schemes for providing foraging resources and nesting habitat for bumblebee queens (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Lye G, Park K, Osborne JL, Holland J & Goulson D (2009) Assessing the value of Rural Stewardship schemes for providing foraging resources and nesting habitat for bumblebee queens (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biological Conservation, 142 (10), pp. 2023-2032.
Invasive species control: incorporating demographic data and seed dispersal into a management model for Rhododendron ponticum
Harris C, Park K, Atkinson R, Edwards C & Travis JM (2009) Invasive species control: incorporating demographic data and seed dispersal into a management model for Rhododendron ponticum. Ecological Informatics, 4 (4), pp. 226-233.;
Functional significance of the dark central floret of Daucus carota (Apiaceae) L.; is it an insect mimic?
Goulson D, McGuire K, Munro EE, Adamson S, Colliar L, Park K, Tinsley MC & Gilburn A (2009) Functional significance of the dark central floret of Daucus carota (Apiaceae) L.; is it an insect mimic?. Plant Species Biology, 24 (2), pp. 77-82.
Impacts of piscivorous birds on salmonid populations and game fisheries in Scotland: a review
Harris C, Calladine JR, Wernham C & Park K (2008) Impacts of piscivorous birds on salmonid populations and game fisheries in Scotland: a review. Wildlife Biology, 14 (4), pp. 395-411.;
Impacts of birds of prey on gamebirds in the UK: a review
Park K, Graham K, Calladine JR & Wernham C (2008) Impacts of birds of prey on gamebirds in the UK: a review. Ibis, 150 (Supplement 1), pp. 9-26.
Book Chapter
The Exposition of Fuzzy Decision trees and their Application in Biology
Beynon MJ & Park K (2008) The Exposition of Fuzzy Decision trees and their Application in Biology. In: Porto PA, Pazos SA & Buno BW (eds.) Advancing Artificial Intelligence through Biological Process Applications. London: Information Science Reference, pp. 375-394.
Public attitudes to the management of invasive non-native species in Scotland
Bremner A & Park K (2007) Public attitudes to the management of invasive non-native species in Scotland. Biological Conservation, 139 (41002), pp. 306-314.
Testing mechanistic models of seed dispersal for the invasive Rhododendron ponticum (L.)
Stephenson CM, Kohn D, Park K, Atkinson R, Edwards C & Travis JM (2007) Testing mechanistic models of seed dispersal for the invasive Rhododendron ponticum (L.). Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 9 (1), pp. 15-28.
Choosing rewarding flowers; perceptual limitations and innate preferences influence decision making in bumblebees and honeybees
Goulson D, Cruise JL, Sparrow KR, Harris AJ, Park K, Tinsley MC & Gilburn A (2007) Choosing rewarding flowers; perceptual limitations and innate preferences influence decision making in bumblebees and honeybees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61 (10), pp. 1523-1529.
The use of sewage treatment works as foraging sites by insectivorous bats
Park K & Cristinacce A (2006) The use of sewage treatment works as foraging sites by insectivorous bats. Animal Conservation, 9 (3), pp. 259-268.
Research Report
Review of Urban Gulls and their Management in Scotland
Calladine JR, Park K, Thompson KJ & Wernham C (2006) Review of Urban Gulls and their Management in Scotland. Scottish Executive. Natural Scotland.
Research Report
The Impacts of Predatory Birds on Waders, Songbirds, Gamebirds and Fisheries Interests: A report to Scotland’s Moorland Forum
Park K, Calladine JR, Graham K, Stephenson CM & Wernham C (2005) The Impacts of Predatory Birds on Waders, Songbirds, Gamebirds and Fisheries Interests: A report to Scotland’s Moorland Forum. Scotland's Moorland Forum. University of Stirling.
Assessment and management of invasive alien predators
Park K (2004) Assessment and management of invasive alien predators. Ecology and Society, 9 (2), Art. No.: 12.
Spatial structure and the control of invasive alien species
Travis JM & Park K (2004) Spatial structure and the control of invasive alien species. Animal Conservation, 7 (3), pp. 321-330.
Research Report
The use of modelling techniques to predict the response of the introduced hedgehog population in the Western Isles to a range of potential control options
Travis JM, Park K, Harwood J, Buckland ST & Thirgood S (2002) The use of modelling techniques to predict the response of the introduced hedgehog population in the Western Isles to a range of potential control options. Scottish Natural Heritage. Scottish Natural Heritage.
How do birds' tails work? Delta-wing theory fails to predict tail shape during flight
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Territorial status and survival in red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus: hope for the doomed surplus?
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Breeding losses of red grouse in Glen Esk (NE Scotland): Comparative studies, 30 years on
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