Professor Christine Anna Caldwell


Psychology University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Christine Anna Caldwell

About me

I am a Professor in the Division of Psychology. I carry out research on human and animal learning and cognition, and I have particular interests in social learning and cultural evolution.

I have been working here at Stirling since 2004. Prior to this, I studied at the University of Edinburgh for my first degree (BSc Psychology), then Manchester for a Masters (MSc Cognitive Science), and got my PhD at St Andrews, studying social learning in nonhuman primates.

Event / Presentation

Plenary speaker, 2017, CES Jena, 14 September
Inaugural meeting of the Cultural Evolution Society

Plenary speaker, 2019, ACBS Dublin, 28 June
17th World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Plenary speaker, 2019, ISHE Croatia, 22 July
7th Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology

Plenary speaker, 2019, PTNCE Prague, 27 September
6th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies

Other Academic Activities

Advisory Board Member for the Cultural Evolution Society Transformational Fund Grants Scheme

Research Assessor, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland