Miss Claire Ramjan

Research Assistant

Education Stirling

Miss Claire Ramjan

Contact details

Outputs (4)


Research Report

Mannion G, Sowerby M, McNicol S, Lambert P & Ramjan C (2024) Mannion, G., Ramjan, C., McNicol, S., Sowerby, M. and Lambert, P. (2023) Teaching, Learning and Play in the Outdoors: a survey of provision in 2022. NatureScotResearch Report 1313.. NatureScot. https://www.nature.scot/doc/naturescot-research-report-1313-teaching-learning-and-play-outdoors-survey-provision-scotland-2022: NatureScot. https://www.nature.scot/doc/naturescot-research-report-1313-teaching-learning-and-play-outdoors-survey-provision-scotland-2022

Research Report

Ramjan C, Hennessy A & Priestley A (2022) THE YOUNG STEM LEADER PROGRAMME Programme Evaluation. SSERC. Stirling. https://sserc2.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/YSLP-Evaluation-Report-June-2022-1.pdf

Research Report

Hennessy A, Ramjan C, Priestley A, Bradfield K & Schuler B (2021) Developing Partnerships between schools, students’ families, and the wider community [THE IMPACT OF SUPPORTING SCHOOLS USING CONNECT’S PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS SCOTLAND (PSS) PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS/CARERS]. Connect (Scottish Parent Teacher Council). Edinburgh. https://connect.scot/application/files/3316/1668/7995/Developing_partnerships_between_schools_students_and_the_wider_community_2021__1.pdf