Mr Philippe Maron

PhD Researcher

AH Management and Support Team Stirling

Mr Philippe Maron

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About me

About me

Philippe Maron holds two degrees from the University of Stirling, Stirling, UK (BA (Hons) in Heritage and Conservation, and a Master of Research in Historical Research. He is currently undertaking a PhD in history.


Academic interests focus around environmental history, the impacts of colonisation on First Nations agency in the 16th – 19th Centuries, and early American diplomacy seen through foreign archives.

Outputs (2)



Maron P (2019) The Passing of the "Red Indians of Newfoundland". Colonisation and Agency in the Beothuk's Extinction in the 17th-19th Centuries: Success and Failure. Spark: Stirling International Journal of Postgraduate Research, (5), pp. 1-10.