James Ross

BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science

Northern Ireland

James Ross

James's Story

What first attracted you to choose the University of Stirling to study your course?

I was initially attracted to the University of Stirling due to the world renowned reputation for sports and exercise science, alongside amazing sports facilities. Once I came to the open day and saw the campus, I knew where I’d be going!

What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?

With so many international students that attend Stirling, I’ve made friends in over 30 countries. There have also been multiple opportunities for summer studentships that have really helped me to finalise my plans for after university.

What specific feature(s) did you like most about the course?

There were so many practical sessions, and this allowed us to get a hands on feel for what it could be like if we went onto be a health professional!

What advice would you give to prospective students considering coming to Stirling?

My advice would be to get involved in clubs and societies! I’ve made friends that will last a lifetime and had some truly unforgettable moments.

Please tell us what impact you think your studies will have on your future career?

After completing my undergrad, and specifically my final year research project, I want to go into further study. This wasn’t something I’d ever considered when I first came to Stirling 4 years ago, but with all the opportunities given to me and how much I enjoyed it, I will be going into postgraduate research.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’ve loved my 4 years at Stirling, it has without a doubt been the best 4 years of my life so far.