Research on sport marketing and sustainability: an integrated bibliometric machine learning approach
Anagnostopoulos C, Yaqot M, Kolyperas D & Chadwick S (2025) Research on sport marketing and sustainability: an integrated bibliometric machine learning approach. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal.
Corporate social and digital responsibility in esports
Kolyperas D, Anagnostopoulos C, Pavlopoulou I, Manoli AE & Chadwick S (2024) Corporate social and digital responsibility in esports. Internet Research.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Riding the Digital Wave: Exploring Athletes' Adoption of Mixed-Reality Sports Platforms
Botwina G, Westmattelmann D, Hong HJ & Kolyperas D (2024) Riding the Digital Wave: Exploring Athletes' Adoption of Mixed-Reality Sports Platforms. European Association for Sport Management 2024, Paris, France, 03.09.2024-06.09.2024.
The more we post, the better? A comparative analysis of fan engagement on social media profiles of football leagues
Romero-Jara E, Solanellas F, Lopez-Carril S, Kolyperas D & Anagnostopoulos C (2024) The more we post, the better? A comparative analysis of fan engagement on social media profiles of football leagues. International Journal of Sport Sponsorship and Sponsorship, 25 (3), pp. 578-599.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Of hacking, cheating, ‘BM’ing and other demons: searching for the roots of e-sportsmanship within the gaming community
Pavlopoulou I & Kolyperas D (2023) Of hacking, cheating, ‘BM’ing and other demons: searching for the roots of e-sportsmanship within the gaming community. Academy of Marketing 2023 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: From Revolution to Revolutions, University of Birmingham, 03.07.2023-06.07.2023.
Sport fans' roles in value co-creation
Kolyperas D, Maglaras G & Sparks L (2019) Sport fans' roles in value co-creation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 19 (2), pp. 201-220.
2018 Academy of Marketing annual conference: marketing the brave
Tinson J, Wilson C, Moufahim M, Kolyperas D, Maglaras G & Black I (2019) 2018 Academy of Marketing annual conference: marketing the brave. Journal of Marketing Management, 35 (9-10), pp. 795-797.
International sport federations' social media communication: A content analysis of FIFA's Twitter account
Winand M, Belot M, Merten S & Kolyperas D (2019) International sport federations' social media communication: A content analysis of FIFA's Twitter account. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12 (2), pp. 209-233.
Book Chapter
Retailing in the football industry
Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2018) Retailing in the football industry. In: Chadwick S, Parnell D, Widdop P & Anagnostopoulos C (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Football Business and Management. Abingdon: Routledge.
Exploring value co-creation in Fan Fests: the role of fans
Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2018) Exploring value co-creation in Fan Fests: the role of fans. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (1), pp. 71-84.
Sport fandom and parenthood
Tinson J, Sinclair G & Kolyperas D (2017) Sport fandom and parenthood. European Sport Management Quarterly, 17 (3), pp. 370-391.
Understanding strategic decision-making through a multi-paradigm perspective: The case of charitable foundations in English football
Anagnostopoulos C, Byers T & Kolyperas D (2017) Understanding strategic decision-making through a multi-paradigm perspective: The case of charitable foundations in English football. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 7 (1), pp. 2-20.
Professional football clubs retail branding strategies
Szymoszowskyj A, Winand M, Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2016) Professional football clubs retail branding strategies. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 6 (5), pp. 579-598.
Applying a Communicating Vessels Framework to CSR Value Co-creation: Empirical Evidence from Professional Team Sport Organizations
Kolyperas D, Anagnostopoulos C, Chadwick S & Sparks L (2016) Applying a Communicating Vessels Framework to CSR Value Co-creation: Empirical Evidence from Professional Team Sport Organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 30 (6), pp. 702-719.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
How do International Sport Federations Communicate Through Social Media: A content Analysis of FIFA's Twitter Communications
Belot M, Winand M & Kolyperas D (2016) How do International Sport Federations Communicate Through Social Media: A content Analysis of FIFA's Twitter Communications. EURAM 2016: Manageable Cooperation?, Paris, 01.06.2016-04.06.2016.
Developing CSR in professional football clubs: drivers and phases
Kolyperas D, Morrow S & Sparks L (2015) Developing CSR in professional football clubs: drivers and phases. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 15 (2), pp. 177-195.;
Book Chapter
Corporate Social Responsibility of and through Sport
Anagnostopoulos C & Kolyperas D (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility of and through Sport. In: Byers T (ed.) Contemporary Issues in Sport Management: A Critical Introduction. London: SAGE, pp. 473-486.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Retail Merchandise Strategies of Professional Football Clubs in Scotland
Szymoszowskyj A, Winand M, Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2015) Retail Merchandise Strategies of Professional Football Clubs in Scotland. EURAM '15: 15th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Warsaw, Poland, 16.06.2015-20.06.2015.
Book Review
Sports Public Relations
Kolyperas D (2014) Sports Public Relations. Review of: Sports Public relations, by Jacquie L’Etang, London: Sage, 2013, 216 pp. ISBN: 9781412936194. European Sport Management Quarterly, 14 (5), pp. 567-570.
Conference Paper (published)
Revisiting the relationship between charitable foundations and founding companies: A CSR analogy approach and a proposed typology
Kolyperas D & Anagnostopoulos C (2014) Revisiting the relationship between charitable foundations and founding companies: A CSR analogy approach and a proposed typology. In: 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management EURAM 2014 Valencia. EURAM 2014- 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Valencia, Spain, 04.06.2014-07.06.2014. Brussels, Belgium: European Academy of Management, p. 167.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications in the G-25 football clubs
Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2011) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications in the G-25 football clubs. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 10 (1-2), pp. 83-103.;
Book Chapter
Assessing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Football Consumers: Which are the Benefits Derived by CSR’s Awareness?
Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2010) Assessing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Football Consumers: Which are the Benefits Derived by CSR’s Awareness?. In: Anagnostopoulos C (ed.) International Sport: A Research Synthesis. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER, pp. 11-30.