How to pay your fees

At the University of Stirling we provide a range of secure payment options.

Your tuition fees can either be paid in full before or upon enrolment, or spread over a number of instalments.

Payment methods

You can make a payment to your account for tuition fees or an international tuition fee deposit by using one of the following options.

You, your parent or guardian, or any other third party you wish to pay on your behalf, can make a tuition fee deposit or payment online. The payment goes into your student account within our student finance system.

We accept all major credit and debit cards (except for American Express).

Your student number and date of birth are required to proceed to the payment page.

If we’ve sent you an invoice, please use the ‘Pay a student invoice’ option.

Please read the online payment terms and conditions before making a payment.

Make a tuition fee payment online >

Flywire provides our UK and international students with additional payment methods in their local currency. You can use Flywire to pay by UK bank transfer or if you cannot pay via the other methods described on this page.

Flywire offers students the following benefits:

  • Convenient payment options from over 240 countries and territories, in more than 150 currencies.
  • Supports a variety of local payment methods including bank transfers, credit cards, e-wallets and more.
  • Provides real-time payment tracking through email, in-app and text alerts.
  • 24x7 multilingual support through email, phone or live chat.
  • Internal controls ensure that funds are secure and protected against fraud.

Make a tuition fee payment via Flywire >

Flywire allows UK students to pay by UK bank transfer if they cannot pay via the other methods described on this page.

Make a tuition fee payment via Flywire >

Nigerian bank account holders have the option of using TransferMate to pay their fees. 

TransferMate offers the following benefits: 

  • Pay in your local currency and to a local bank account.
  • No international banking charges from your bank.
  • Competitive daily exchange rates.
  • Pay online or by bank transfer.
  • 24-hour customer service support through TransferMate's multilingual support team.
  • 24-hour online payment tracking, SMS alerts and email notifications.

TransferMate allows you to make international payments without paying international banking charges while receiving competitive foreign exchange rates.

You can pay your fees via TransferMate using a simple three-step process:

  1. Register on the secure TransferMate site and enter your payment details. You'll receive the exchange rate for that day.
  2. Choose wire (bank) transfer or credit card as your payment method.
  3. Once funds are received by TransferMate, these funds are immediately transferred to the university from Barclays in the UK.

Make a tuition fee payment using TransferMate >

Current students can make a partial payment or pay in full any invoice we have sent you in respect of tuition or any other miscellaneous fee. You'll need your portal username and password.

Go to the payment section of the student portal >

We discourage you from carrying large amounts of cash and advise you to pay your tuition fees by another payment method.

Paying tuition fees in instalments

If your share of the tuition fee liability is £250 or more you may be eligible to opt for one of the following instalment schemes at enrolment. The scheme lets you pay your tuition fees in instalments to spread the cost over a longer period.

If you pay a deposit towards your course, this will be deducted from the total amount of fees that you have to pay.

Instalment schemes

Please select which type of student you are to see the instalment options available for you.

Course start date Instalment options and payment dates
September or January

You can pay the remaining balance of your fees in three equal instalments at the start of each semester.

Other start dates

Alternative instalment dates are available if your start date is not September or January. These dates will be presented to you as part of your online enrolment.

For any queries relating to the payment of tuition fees, please contact

Course start date Instalment options and payment dates
September or January

Option 1

Pay your remaining tuition fee balance in three equal instalments at the start of each semester.

Option 2

Students who can set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) at the time of enrolment can pay their remaining tuition fee balance over 12 equal monthly instalments on the following dates:

  • Instalment 1: 22 January 2024
  • Instalments 2 to 12: due on the 15th of each month starting on 15 February 2024 and ending on 15 December 2024
Other start dates

Alternative instalment dates are available if your start date is not September or January. These dates will be presented to you as part of your online enrolment.

For any queries relating to the payment of tuition fees, please contact

Course start date Instalment options and payment dates
September of January

Option 1

You can pay the remaining balance of your fees in three equal instalments at the start of each semester.

Option 2

Students who can set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) at the time of enrolment can pay their remaining tuition fee balance over 12 equal monthly instalments on the following dates:

  • Instalment 1: 22 January 2024
  • Instalments 2 to 12: due on the 15th of each month starting on 15 February 2024 and ending on 15 December 2024
Other start dates

Alternative instalment dates are available if your start date is not September or January. These dates will be presented to you as part of your online enrolment.

For any queries relating to the payment of tuition fees, please contact

Course start date Instalment options and payment dates
September or January

Option 1

You can pay the remaining balance of your fees in two equal instalments at the start of each semester.

Option 2

Students who can set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) at the time of enrolment can pay the remaining balance over 8 equal monthly instalments. 

  • Instalment 1: collected at enrolment
  • Instalment 2 to 8: due on the 15th of each month thereafter
Other start dates

Alternative instalment dates are available if your start date is not September or January. These dates will be presented to you as part of your online enrolment.

For any queries relating to the payment of tuition fees, please contact

Recurring card payments

To pay your fees in instalments you may set up a recurring card payment (RCP) plan. This allows us to take payments from your credit or debit card when your instalments are due.

You can choose to set up a recurring card payment during the enrolment process. You can also email the Income Office at to request to set up a recurring card payment.

Once you have set up your recurring card payment plan, you'll receive an advance notice email for each invoice. This will detail the exact dates and amounts when your payment(s) will be taken.

All successful payments will be shown on the credit or debit card statement that you get from your card provider.

If a payment fails, we will email you to say that we'll try to take the instalment a second time within the next five days. If the second attempt fails, the instalment must then be paid immediately using another payment method. 

You'll need to change your card details if:

  • your card is lost or stolen
  • your card has expired
  • your card provider changed supplier e.g. from Visa to MasterCard
  • you change your bank account

Update your card details >

Terms and conditions

Any more questions?

Contact our Income Office.