Xinyao Qian

MSc Media Management



Why did you decide to study a postgraduate course?

First of all, I like media industry and I want to learn something about media. Secondly, I want to get a better job after postgraduate learning.

What attracted you to Stirling?

The amazing view during four seasons. high education quality

What did you enjoy most about your time at the University of Stirling?

Self-studying in the library, hard studying in the lectures, practice presentation again and again and to show it in front of classmates, and staying up for essay's deadline.

Which aspects of the programme did you enjoy the most?

Seminars, because it is really different part from Chinese education, I learned a lot during seminars and like to express my idea and listen to others.

How did your time at University make you more employable?

I am not sure, but now I am starting to find the internship. I think what I learned in University is helpful.

What advice would you give to a student considering studying at Stirling?

Ask questions when you don’t understand, just say sorry, I don’t understand. Don’t be shy and don’t pretend to know everything.

How would you summarise your time at Stirling?

I am very happy to go abroad and studying in Stirling. I know a lot of friends came from different countries, and also Chinese. As to study, of course I learn a lot and know what is academic essay and also know the creative mind is popular in everywhere and every time.