Sandeep Joshi



Product Research and Development Executive, abdi Ltd

Life in the UK for me began much like it does for a lot of ambitious young blokes from Mumbai. I saw several different types of dreams being nurtured in several different minds. But the first part of student life in Stirling was explorative in nature for me. Interacting with people from different cultures and ways of life truly broadens your mind. But it is up to the individual to seek out and absorb all the information this world has on offer.

Describe your career history to date?
In addition to the enormous libraries and online portals which I had access to during my MBA, the learning came to me through a different medium…the people. I fought my way through the various academic challenges that came my way and in no time, the enriching experience came to an end. I was high on ambitions and whilst a student, I continued my research on the best ways of grabbing employment opportunities in the UK. But unfortunately, my graduation was around the same time when recession was at its ugliest best. I found myself in crossfire where a single job advertised attracts thousands of applications. My ‘big break’ came in the form of a 3 month internship with a growing Financial Training and Consultancy Company. I knew that this wasn’t the time to celebrate. This was the time to prove myself to be an irreplaceable unit of the workforce. No company would get rid of someone who they understand handles responsibilities / departments which would struggle without his/her contribution. I played to my strengths and ensured that neither my growth in the company stops nor my learning. This has paid off as my company considered me an asset too valuable to lose and have provided me a three-year sponsorship which they commit to extend for another three when the time comes. It is certainly a matter of pride for me that bespoke tools I developed are being used extensively by companies like the National Health Service in the UK and the British Council worldwide. And when I trace my footsteps back to my first day in the country, I would say it was well worth it for me.

Although no form of training can really prepare you enough for the ‘real world’; the Stirling MBA certainly opened me up to a world of opportunities. My time at Stirling enabled me to focus on building up my skill-set and create that extra edge that I would never develop if I had remained in the protected environment of my own country.

My advice for aspirants would not just be to work hard, but to work smart. Analyse your market, get the know-how and strategize your way to your dream job. But to begin with, grab the bull by its horns and grab every learning opportunity that comes your way.