Roxanne Boyd
PGDip Tertiary Education with Teaching Qualification (Further Education) - Pre-service
Scotland, United Kingdom
1. What first attracted you to choose the University of Stirling to study your course?
It’s the only place to study the course … but bonus factors were the beautiful campus and the manageable drive from home.2. What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?
The support and encouragement of tutors was fantastic. Indeed, all campus staff are so friendly and helpful. Library and information services are also excellent.3. What specific feature(s) did you like most about the course? I found the small class group and mix of blended learning really helpful for the overall learning process.
4. What advice would you give to prospective students who are considering coming to Stirling? Do not hesitate! The campus has a brilliant atmosphere, with fantastic facilities and beautiful natural surroundings.
6. Are you currently employed? If so, please tell us what impact you think your studies have had on your career?
The course has given me broader opportunities for employment and I now complement my career as a journalist with regular further education lecturing.7. Is there anything else you would like to add? It had been almost 30 years since I had first graduated, and the prospect of returning to academic study was mildly terrifying. However, the support of tutors and the friendly and collaborative atmosphere amongst our cohort was crucial in helping me achieve my postgraduate goals.
Thank you, Stirling!