Ross Miller
MRes Historical Research
Scotland, United Kingdom
I decided to return to the University of Stirling after my undergraduate degree to do an MRes in Historical Research for various reasons including the expertise of my supervisors as well as the extensive materials available in the library and online.
The course really deepens your historical knowledge significantly. The university also offers excellent mental health support and the campus gives you a great way to reconnect with nature.
One of the most enjoyable elements of the course was being able to deliver a presentation on my research at the Postgraduate Symposium towards the end of the year. Not only did this allow me to discuss my own research, but it gave me a fantastic insight into the incredible research being done throughout the faculty. I was able to describe what my research was about and any preliminary findings. I also took questions from other students and other faculty members.On top of that, another enjoyable aspect was the postgraduate employment workshop. This was very important in developing personal and professional skills that I would take to the workplace later.
I’d advise prospective students to really throw themselves into their research from day one and take on what the University has to offer. Although it’s a year, it’s a very quick year. By the time you have gathered all your data and completed any essays that are required, you really don’t have that much time to write your dissertation. This will make sure that your data is a lot richer and gives you less work when you do your dissertation - it will also be an enjoyable process at the same time.
Following my MRes and PGDE, I’ve been hired as a probationary History teacher.
The course helped in various ways. First, numeracy is a huge focus in the Scottish Curriculum. Before this course, I wasn’t very good with numbers but I’m now a lot better due to all the work I’ve done with numerical data and data processing. Because you handle lots of different research methods it’s really beneficial when you go into teaching. You will be expected to do what’s known as a practitioner enquiry where you will be gathering quality data within the classroom and using that to inform your practice going forward.The MRes year has been one of the most enjoyable years I’ve had.