Rachel Studman

BA History



Why did you decide to study an undergraduate course?

I knew that an undergraduate degree would help to make me more employable in the future and improve my chances of securing a good job. The transferable skills I’d gain from an undergraduate degree in history would be invaluable.

What attracted you to Stirling?

I loved the campus from the moment that I saw it. Having everything in walking distance was ideal. Stirling is also great because it is so close to Edinburgh and Glasgow, so there is always plenty to do. Everybody was so friendly on the Open Day when I first visited the university, and those friendly vibes remained the same until I graduated.

What did you enjoy most about your time at the University of Stirling?

I loved my course from the moment that I started it. Throughout my time at Stirling, I developed a real rapport with my tutors and fellow students. At Stirling, you really do get to know everybody so well. You are not just another face in the crowd. 

Which aspects of the programme did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed the variety of topics available to study. One semester you could study African history, the next you could learn about women’s history in Britain. The seminars were always great as there was so much discussion and debate.

How did your time at University make you more employable? 

I studied abroad for a semester at the University of New Mexico in the USA. It was such a life-changing experience and I loved every moment. The experience really helped me with dealing with situations outside my comfort zone. I also acted as class rep in my final year of study, and helped to run the History Society at the university. There are countless ways to get involved at the university that really help to liven up your CV, develop your skills and increase your confidence.

What advice would you give a student considering studying at Stirling?

Visit the campus and speak to people. You’ll quickly see how friendly everybody is and how willing they are to help you. This gives you a sense of the community that exists at the University of Stirling. It was my first visit to Stirling that convinced me that I wanted to study here. I have never regretted that decision.

How would you summarise your time at Stirling?

It was such a fantastic experience to be a student at the University of Stirling. Choosing to study at such a diverse, exciting university was one of the best decisions that I have ever made.

If you have graduated, what are you doing now?

I am interested in further study, and am currently planning to study law.