Thi Nguyen

MSc International Business


What was your number one reason to pick the UK?

Most qualifications of the UK’s universities are respected anywhere in the world. 

Why did you choose this course and institution?

Recently, as a result of globalisation, global business has more challenges and opportunities. To understand more about the impact of these essential things on Vietnamese business environment and further my future career in Vietnam, I decided to choose MSc International Business. As my research before coming to the UK, Stirling places at the heart of Scotland, and it has a lower living costs compared with other places. The University of Stirling has good facilities such as the library and convenient laboratory equipment that are extremely cost-effective for studying. 

How easy was it to settle into life at the university?

Stirling is a peaceful and beautiful town with a lot of friendly local people. I have made plenty of friends who are from different countries, therefore, I can improve my English quicker. 

Tell us a little about the course?

My course is totally different than what I thought. There are a lot of books I have to read, many presentations I need to present and a lot of deadlines for assignments that I have to face. However, the course is really useful for me because it helps me stop thinking in a narrow mind. Furthermore, the course enhances my knowledge such as understanding more about other cultures around the world and learning the ways of doing business successfully. 

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to the UK to study?

Don’t panic, just do what you want. 

Recommendation for students from Vietnam: 5 things you must do while studying and living in the UK?

  • Make as many friends as possible.
  • Travel (depends on your finances).
  • Try local food.
  • Go to the bar, pub.
  • Join university’s clubs. 

Recommendation for students from Vietnam: 5 things you should prepare before coming to the UK? 

  • Don’t bring too much clothes because you can buy discount clothes here. Save your luggage for food.
  • Prepare some kind of food and stuff that you like because these things are quite different and expensive in the UK.
  • Take some money and clothes with you in case your luggage is delivered later than the time you arrive. You should write your name, the UK address, university’s name, student number, phone number (if you have) on your luggage because if you cannot find it at the airport, you can go home first and then they will deliver directly to your house.
  • You can join vietsoc web on Facebook (website for students) to ask more experience.
  • Try to contact senior Vietnamese students to ask for rice-cooker, books or some things for your personal life (you can buy from them, it is cheaper and can save your luggage).