Nguyen Duong Anh Minh

MSc Management and English Language Teaching


Nguyen Duong Anh Minh


What first attracted you to choose the University of Stirling to study your course?

The course I am studying offer placements at the end of the course. That is a great opportunity to gain more working experience and get paid at the same time. I am so glad that I was granted one of the placements.

What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?

I have gained more knowledge to benefit my teaching career. The knowledge is not only from the modules that I have taken. It can’t just be learnt from books because it comes also from communicating with people, the way people live and work, the way people respect the environment in Scotland. These are invaluable things that are beneficial to both my future job and life. 

What specific feature(s) did you like most about the course? 

It must be the helpful and supporting lecturers on my course. As an international student, I was quite afraid of not being able to keep up with my classmates or with the lessons. My lecturers had ensured us at the beginning to not over worry about stuff. They told me necessary things to focus on at the time and strategies to study effectively. They were a great source of not only knowledge, but also support and advice.

What advice would you give to prospective students considering coming to Stirling?

The most important thing is to read the course description carefully. Choosing a course that suits your purpose and career path will motivate you to study and help you get the best out of it. Another thing is to not worry about Scottish accent. All of the lecturers have easy to understand accent and they are always willing to explain again if you kindly ask them.

Are you currently employed? If so, please tell us what impact do you think your studies will have on your future career?

Getting a Masters degree means I can apply to teaching in universities in Vietnam, and of course it means I have more career opportunities in general.