Natalia Dunk

BA (Hons) Retail Marketing


Graduate Trainee Area Manager, Aldi

The course at Stirling was varied and interesting; it managed to mix a wide range of practical activities with theoretical approaches that really helped to illustrate the changing nature of retail within both a UK and international context.

Why did you apply to Stirling?
The University of Stirling appealed to me for a number of reasons, but what really swayed me was the beautiful campus and student friendly semester structure.

Why did you choose BA Retail Marketing?
One of my A-Level subjects was Psychology, this and part-time work in retail, elicited a particular interest in the nature of retail and consumer behaviour.

Was there an opportunity to gain practical information from guest speakers/store visits etc?
During the course we attended a number of store and warehouse visits as well as guest lectures from a variety of experienced retail and marketing personnel. We all found that being able to speak to people who apply theoretical concepts in the real world helped to really illustrate the concepts.

Where are you currently working?
Aldi as a Graduate Trainee Area Manager.

How did the course benefit you in your current position?
All of the modules are applicable to my current position for example, Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a vital component of the Aldi business model.