Mazni Abdullah

PhD Accounting and Finance



Why I wanted to do a PhD

A PhD is an important qualification to help me progress further in my academic career. Pursuing a PhD had given me an opportunity to explore my research interests more systematically and to develop research skills more effectively under a formal guidance of experienced researchers. It is about a desire to learn with an expectation to acquire new knowledge and skill that could make an impact.

My experience of doing PhD in Stirling Management School

My PhD years were not just about challenging learning experience, but also shaped by unexpected life-changing events, which I treasure very much. The pressure to publish in good journals had created a competitive learning atmosphere that motivated me to produce good quality thesis. However, I am grateful for the presence of helpful colleagues and encouraging support from supervisors and faculty members in Stirling Management School.  The School provided excellent research facilities, which were not only accessible by staff but also PhD candidates. PhD candidates were also encouraged to attend and/or present their working papers at seminars, doctorial colloquiums and conferences, which can help develop their presentation skills and build confidence while disseminating research output.

How doing a PhD helped my career

The research skills and new knowledge I had acquired throughout the PhD learning process can help me pursue my research agenda more effectively. The skills and knowledge can serve as useful guidance for me to supervise PhD candidates. I also view my PhD thesis as a stepping stone to good publications, which is an important feature of academia.