Laura Grierson

BA (Hons) Business Studies


What influenced you to choose Stirling Management School to study your course?

In my final year of high school I studied Higher Business Studies, a subject which I had never studied before, but found I really enjoyed. When looking through the university’s prospectus I felt that the business related courses sounded interesting and caught my attention. In particular, I liked that students had control over which modules they studied, and could choose from a wide range of topics.

What are the benefits you found as a result of your time at Stirling?

The module selection process was a real benefit. It allowed me to study a range of business related subjects from Tourism and Event Management to Human Resource Management, meaning I have developed valuable knowledge and skills which can be applied to many different areas of a business. The semester structure at Stirling meant that I had time to find employment during the holidays, and the flexible timetables during semester allowed me to continue work whilst studying. Finally, I found that the hands-on approach to teaching and learning was really beneficial. Computer workshops, class discussions and presentations, whether group or individual, have all provided me with valuable skills which I can now transfer into my working life. 

What specific feature(s) did you like most about the course?

The variety of subjects to study, including compulsory modules which were always varied and provided new and interesting concepts to learn. Guest lecturers from a range of companies and organisations were often invited to take lectures which gave students a unique insight into these businesses. I also found that the university lecturers and tutors were always friendly and approachable, meaning that I always felt happy to ask for help or advice if I needed to.

What advice would you give to prospective students coming to Stirling?

The University of Stirling gives students the opportunity to select their own modules and so I would advise students to consider ones which they may not have considered before, as I decided to study a psychology module in first year and found that it was a fascinating subject which I really enjoyed. Subsequently I studied psychology modules right up until my third year. I would also encourage students to participate in classes when given the opportunity, as the more you put in the more you get out, including valuable skills and self-confidence and belief.

What impact do you think your studies will have on your future career?

From studying at the University of Stirling I know I have gained lots of important skills which I will be able to use in my future career, including time management, communication, leadership, teamwork and many more. It has also improved my self-confidence, which will allow me to gain from more opportunities and help me to progress in any career which I choose to pursue.