Jordan Moore
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy
United Kingdom
What attracted me to the University of Stirling was the reputation of the Management School, which is globally recognised and highly regarded in UK education. This combined with a unique culture and atmosphere was particularly important when choosing the University of Stirling.
I personally feel that I benefited from better interaction with lecturers and peers given the size of the University. Being able to create a support network with other students and receive detailed feedback was significant for my success and development through my degree.
The structure of the course was particularly advantageous in providing the opportunity to gain exemptions from professional exams. This is an important part of becoming a qualified Chartered Accountant and the course material directly related to my career objectives. Furthermore, I feel I was able to develop a wider range of knowledge, skills and understanding during the modules in 1st and 2nd year.
For me personally my studies have directly benefited my career objectives giving me exemptions to future professional exams and building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that will allow me to excel in a career. I am also confident that my studies would be beneficial to my development regardless of the career path I had decided to take.