Jonathan Shepherd

BA (Hons) Film and Media

An image of intern Jonathan Shepherd


Who was your internship with?

My internship was with Tanami, which is a video production and social media agency.

How did you find out about the internship?

After asking Tanami about any available opportunities, Jemma, the Managing Director, contacted me about the Santander-funded internship as part of The Stirling Internship Programme. She mentioned it would be a great way to bring me on board with them.

What do you see as the benefits of an internship with a smaller organisation?

A smaller organisation gives interns more opportunities for getting stuck in and experience exactly what happens in the daily operation of a business.

How do you think the internship has helped towards planning your future career?

After the internship, I was offered a full-time contract with Tanami, and has ultimately led to me getting into my desired career.

What did you enjoy most about the internship?

The fact that I was working in an environment I loved- I loved the job so much, it didn’t feel like I was “working”!

What skills do you feel you gained from the internship experience?

I have a much better understanding of the industry than before, including work out production budgets, networking and gaining business contacts. 

What advice would you give students considering applying for an internship through this programme next year?

Do it! If you are certain of the industry you want to be in, apply for the internship and put your full focus and effort into your work- it will pay off.

Please summarise your experience as an intern.

An amazing experience to work in the industry I want to be in and has reassured me of what I want to do as a career.

Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life!