Ervisa Lotze

MSc International Accounting and Finance


Choosing a university is always a difficult task, especially when you don't know much about them and it is even trickier when you are trying to choose from another country! There are several reasons why I chose the University of Stirling. The school’s reputation, the fees and the cost of living were highly important to me. These were the main aspects I took into account when making my decision. Although the University of Stirling has a high calibre, the fees are relatively low compared to other universities and the cost of living in Stirling is very low. Additionally, its location is ideal and the campus is amazing!

I learnt and developed a lot of new skills during my MSc, for example, team work, communication, and organisational, analytical, and problem-solving skills. These are vital skills for a successful career in accountancy and finance.

One of the best features of the course was the AmplifyME Trading Boot Camp which gave us the opportunity to bridge the gap between academic theories of financial markets and the real world. Furthermore, the MSc in International Accounting and Finance is accredited by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) giving graduates of the course automatic exemption from up to six of their papers.

I would highly recommend the MSc in International Accounting and Finance. Be prepared to work hard, but to also have an exciting, rewarding year that will enhance both your knowledge and practical skills and prepare you for a career in Accounting and Finance.