Caroline Cane

BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)



What attracted you to study at the University of Stirling?

I chose the University because of the excellent academic reputation and impressive history. I had always wanted to progress academically and because I had been out of education for over 5 years, I was able to apply for an access course to enable me to get back into the mind-set required for completing a degree. Having a background in Spanish, I was particularly interested in the primary teaching course as it was paired with a specialism in modern languages, which I thought could be attractive to potential employers in the future.

What did you enjoy most about your time at University of Stirling?

I enjoyed learning how to study and do research independently as well as being exposed to the different perspectives of my peers and participating in the Faculty's numerous and varied range of academic and social activities.

Which aspects of the programme did you enjoy the most?

The primary programme is a unique route to becoming a teacher. The Faculty of Social Sciences has a wide range of experts who teach and are able to provide a wealth of knowledge and support throughout the course. The feedback I received on coursework and class presentations was always very detailed and provided me with my next steps in terms of learning.

Do you think the degree has made you more employable, or better prepared for further study? If yes, what are the key skills?

My degree has provided me with the ability to up level my current skill set as well as providing me with transferrable skills for the future. I developed my communication skills in order to be clear, concise and focused as well as listening to the viewpoints of others. I have proven that I am team player but also have the ability to manage and delegate to others and take on responsibility. I was able to build positive working relationships that helped everyone to achieve a common goal. I can now confidently display an ability to take a logical and analytical approach to solving problems and resolving issues as well as confidently showing that I can approach problems from different angles. Organisation is key and I am now able to show that I can prioritise, work efficiently and productively, and manage my time well. It's good to be able to show employers how you decide what is important to focus on and get done, and how you go about meeting deadlines.

What advice would you give a student considering studying at the University of Stirling?

Be prepared for a large, sometimes confusing, campus. But you’ll get used to that very quickly. My time at Stirling has been an extremely positive experience where the excellent standard of teaching has given me a sound grasp of what teaching is and what a teacher does. I relished my placements within different authorities, as I was able to experience first hand what it is like working within busy and diverse schools.

How would you summarise your time at Stirling?

Stirling is a lovely city with lots of opportunities, societies and activities. It’s a very active University with an excellent quality of teaching.

If you have now graduated, what are you doing now?

I am permanently employed within Falkirk Council as a class teacher.

Would you recommend this career/further study to others?

I would highly recommend coming to the University of Stirling to study. Regardless of the programme you enter, the university provides an outstanding education to prepare you for the world beyond university life and the experiences and friendships you gain while living in such a fantastic city will last a lifetime.