Bjorn Ravnestad

BA (Hons) Business Studies



Chief Project Manager, Millum AS

How has your Stirling degree helped you in job-seeking and career progression?
The successful completion of a BA (Hons) Business Studies by an international student demonstrates determination and independence to prospective employers.

What kind of contacts did you make at Stirling and how did these help you?
Contacts made with academic staff at the faculty have later been helpful as references. When I later did an MSc at another academic institution they even contributed informal refereeing to my MSc dissertation.

How did your experience at Stirling differ from that of friends and colleagues who studied elsewhere?
It seems to me that the academic staff at Stirling was more supportive and genuinely interested in my attempts to contribute to academic knowledge, than that of friends and colleagues who studied similar subjects at institutions in Norway.

What made you choose Stirling?
At the time it was the quality of the Business Studies degree, which at the time was pre-approved by the Norwegian education board, as well as the two-semester system, which is similar to the Norwegian educational system that primarily made me choose Stirling. However the beautiful campus and the size of the university (I was a bit sceptical to large universities) were also factors.

How did you enhance your CV to break into your chosen sector?
I later studied computing and software engineering subjects and now work in the IT industry in the 'twilight zone' between business and technology. Is your career what you expected or has anything changed? When I graduated from Stirling I didn’t have a clear image of what my career would be like. I have found that with a degree in Business Studies I have a flexible foundation, a toolbox, which over the years have provided me with a lot of choice and few limitations in building a career.

What other activities would you recommend to build up my skill set?
When you study, study! Be curious and open-minded. University life offers excellent opportunities to build cultural skills and communication skills which are invaluable. Apart from that any kind of job experience is good.

What advice can you give me as a student now?
Take pride in what you do and always try to do your best. Enjoy life.