Alyona Rogozhkina

MSc Behavioural Science for Management


Alyona Rogozhkina


What first attracted you to choose the University of Stirling to study your course?

The content of the MSc in Behavioural Science for Management. I found this very strong programme compared to other courses in this field.

What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?

  • The central location: relatively close to Highlands but also to both Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • Inspiring campus. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or low - the walk around the campus cheered me up and always gave energy to carry on.
  • The Sports Centre is a very strong point. All the fitness classes are great and the swimming pool is excellent.

What advice would you give to prospective students considering coming to Stirling?

Do not come to Stirling if you expect a busy city student life. This is a quieter place for those who are hungry to study, who are in love with nature and strong small communities and who want to be the difference.

Are you currently employed? If so, please tell us what impact do you think your studies will have on your future career?

I am in the process of establishing my own project. My main aim is to develop professional services to help businesses to improve workplace well-being. I came up with this idea during my course being inspired by innovative behavioural science knowledge. I am going to establish this project in Scotland in the coming months and I hope to scale this up internationally in the future.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you very much for accepting me to study here. I am very proud to graduate from this unique university and I am very passionate to help people across the world to improve the quality of their lives.