Aisling Ni Chonaire

MSc Behavioural Science for Management

Republic of Ireland


What influenced you to choose Stirling Management School to study your course?

Primarily the calibre of the teaching staff, as well as the scholarship opportunities.

What are the benefits you found as a result of studying at Stirling?

There are so many to choose from! The small class allows you to get to know the lecturers and teaching staff a lot better. The courses provided are really interesting and also multifaceted, such that assessments cover many different areas such as policy reports, presentations, group projects, experimental design, analysis and much more. The course also allows you to delve deeper into your own specific interests as well as broadening your knowledge of other areas. In practical terms, the campus is beautiful, the cost of living is very reasonable and there are lots of places to visit in and around the campus.

What specific feature(s) did you like most about the course?

The variety of the assessments, although the course work is heavy, you do develop a strong work ethic. I find that it doesn’t feel taxing because the topics are so interesting and students are given the opportunity to build on their own respective interests. A really practical skill that I learnt from this year is to feel comfortable and confident public speaking and giving presentations. 

What advice would you give to prospective students considering coming to Stirling?

The more you put into the course, the more you will get out of it. Be proactive about learning and researching, and never be afraid to ask for advice or to share your ideas.

What impact do you think your studies will have on your future career?

Having secured an Assistant Advisor position with the Behavioural Insights Team, the MSc has already proved its worth and quality. I will be working with the research team within BIT, who are responsible for the design, implementation and analysis of the randomised control trials within the organisation.