
Sabbatical and Executive Officers

Your Union exists to represent your voice to gain the best university experience possible for all of our students. We’re also the heart of student activities - sports, societies and volunteering.

Through our action to Make Students’ Lives Better, your Union campaigns on issues which are important to you! From lobbying for better bus services to improving recycling facilities, or campaigning for gender equality to fighting for fair exam timetables, the Union is here to represent you. At Stirling we have an active student body, so come along and get involved! Drop by the Union offices or send us an email and we can get you involved in our existing work, or if you want to come to us with a new idea we would love to hear from you!

It’s not all campaigns and lobbies, however; your Union also provides help and support in all areas of your University life. Our professional staff can provide academic support and guidance if you need assistance with your studies. We are here to meet your needs so if you are looking for someone to talk to about your concerns, big or small, your Union is here to listen.

Your Union is for students, by students and we have lots of opportunities to get involved as a volunteer or an elected representative. Our Executive Officers assist in the running of Union activity, our Academic Reps, UG Faculty Officers and PG Faculty Officers work to ensure you are gaining the best possible academic experience and our wide range of other volunteers are active in providing opportunities for students across the University. Why not consider becoming a Course Rep for your module and get the opportunity to advise your professors on how to make your course run better? Or pop along to our Green and Blue Space and get involved as a Green and Blue Dream Team volunteer for environmental activity? The opportunities are endless, so come and speak to us to see which ones are best for you. Find out more about volunteering.

Your Union engages in activities chosen and led by our students, so get involved in shaping your University experience. There's tons of information on the Union website or you can get in touch at We look forward to seeing you soon!