Students' Union

Welcome to Your Students’ Union! The Union supports, develops and represents students throughout your time at University. We're here to help you make lifelong friends, to build skills for the future, with support and advice if you need it and to help you influence your learning. These pages we hope to give you just a taste of all of the things on offer from your Union to make your time at University the best it can be.

Students sitting outside the Students Union

Your Students’ Union is here to make your life at Stirling the best that it can be. We’re for all students, whether you’re a new undergraduate, postgraduate or studying from a different location. We're a registered charity and importantly, a separate organisation from the University of Stirling.

The Students' Union supports, develops and represents students throughout your time at University. We're here to help you make lifelong memories, build skills for the future, with support and advice if you need it and to influence your learning. 

Student representation is the core of what we are as a Student Union and putting you, our members, at the heart of the decision-making process is vital to ensure that your interests are championed. Every year you elect student officers to represent your views, to be your voice to the University, to local government and to national policy makers. Through our sabbatical officers, module rep and faculty rep schemes we ensure your voice is heard and we work in partnership with the University to implement change.

We provide a huge range of student activities from events, Societies and Sports teams to our Sustainability hub, the Green and Blue Space, and Community Garden. Getting involved with Your Union gives you the best opportunities to meet new people and do the things you love. We provide you with advocacy and support throughout your degree and even free sanitary products and condoms.

During your first weeks, you’ll have loads of fun activities to enjoy so make sure you check out all that's on offer.

Check out the Union's website and social media to ensure you know everything that's going on!

The Union is Your Union so above all, make the most of it and get involved.

Leen, Justine, Adelayo & Laura

Sabbatical Team 2024-25

Join us on Instagram

Leen Ali President @stir_president
Adelayo Adebayo Vice President Education  @stir_education
Laura Shaw Sports President @stirlingsportsunion
Justine Pedussel Vice President Communities  @stir_communities