Consent Matters and Tackling Harassment online modules

These courses are designed to be helpful and informative but if you don't feel able to complete the course due to the content outline provided, or feel upset by any of the course content. you can stop and access support by contacting

The University of Stirling is committed to being a safe environment where everyone feels respected and supported.

We want to sustain a University community that does not tolerate – and feels comfortable to challenge and report – gender-based and sexual violence.

We aim to create a University culture where tolerance, empathy and mutual respect for diversity are central to all aspects of University life.

When you enrol at Stirling you agree to abide by the Student Charter which is designed to ensure you are well informed about your responsibilities as a student of the University. Any conduct which does not align with the Student Charter is taken seriously by the University and action can be instigated as a result in line with Ordinance 2 Code of Student Discipline.

We hope these courses will help you, as a student, to understand the behaviours the University expects to see which includes being consistently respectful and considerate to all other members of the community.

All University of Stirling students are expected to complete these short online courses to learn about the importance of sexual consent, recognising harassment and how you can look out for each other.

Consent Matters: Boundaries, Respect and Positive Intervention

Learn about sexual consent and how you can support others on campus.

This is a fully interactive, evidence based online course that helps students to understand sexual consent and promote positive cultural change in our University community.

The course will help you to understand Stirling’s expectations, recognise acceptable boundaries and learn how to support your friends and colleagues. The course will show you what consent looks and sounds like, how you can clearly communicate what you want, when consent can be given and when it can’t, how and when you might step in when consent is not present. Talking about sex can be difficult, and through the completion of the programme we hope students will learn how to recognise and ask for sexual consent, look out for others at the University, and find support if it’s needed.

The course is all online, and self-paced. It’s divided into three modules each taking around 20 minutes to complete.

Complete the Consent Matters course now.

Tackling Harassment: Being an Active Bystander

Learn about harassment and hate and the associated impact on the individual and wider community. 

This is a fully interactive, evidence based online course that helps students to understand harassment and hate and the impact it can have on individuals and the wider community.

This course will support you with the skills and knowledge to recognise harassment and hate and support others in problematic situations, along with providing safe and appropriate strategies for positively intervening.

The course will help you to understand the definitions of harassment, discrimination, hate incidents, hate crimes, online harassment and hate; and it will examine the impact of these.    The course will help you to consider the role of the active bystander, how to report and learn strategies to intervene.

The course is all online and self-paced.  It consists of one module which will take around 50 minutes to complete.

Complete the Tackling Harassment course now.

Further information and support

If you have been affected by gender based or sexual violence , or bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination and would like to talk to someone about your options and get support you can complete our short, simple form in our secure Report and Support system.

Get more information about the University’s approach to tackling gender-based violence and bullying and harassment: