Chaplaincy team

Our Chaplaincy team is available to offer sensitive, caring and confidential support for any situation.

Chaplaincy co-ordinator

Joan Montgomery


Tel: 01786 467164

Chat: Chat with me on Teams

Chaplaincy drop-in is available Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 15:00.


Hamish Wishart

Cornton Baptist Church
Achray Drive, Stirling FK9 5DR
Tel: 01786 609 603
Mobile: 07707 000 328


Rev Hamish Wishart

Hi, I am the pastor of a local Baptist church, a husband and father to two grown-up children. My wife and I love walking around the local area, enjoying the beautiful scenery.  

I have been coming up to the University for a number of years now and supporting the Chaplaincy team. I love to chat with students and staff as they use our facilities – so please do say hello if you are in or passing by.

I can be found in the Chaplaincy most Tuesdays during semester time if you would like some pastoral care and counsel - or simply a friendly face to chat with. 

Fr Gabriel Emeasoba

St Margaret's Catholic Church
Drip Road,
FK9 4UA 
Tel: 07469 616 292


Rev Fr Gabriel Emeasoba

As a Catholic priest, it is my responsibility to help Catholic students build their relationships with God while pursuing their studies. I have been a member of different university communities for the past ten years. I was a resident volunteer priest at the Catholic Chaplaincy of the University of Aberdeen. I love working in environments where young people enjoy living their faith, sharing the faith, taking responsibility and embracing leadership.

As the Catholic chaplain at the University of Stirling, I hope to offer guidance and spiritual support to students. I am available at the university for mass on Wednesdays in the afternoon. 

Church of Scotland

Rev Dr Lesley Stanley

It's a busy life for an honorary Chaplain and I wear many hats; as an expert on the adverse health effects of chemicals I advise governments, universities and commercial organisations on a diverse range of issues in toxicology and risk assessment, while as an Ordained Local Minister in the Church of Scotland, I am a member of the Chaplaincy team here at the University of Stirling and lead worship in congregations large and small.

My role as a Chaplain is to be a Christian presence on campus. I am here for students and staff, whatever their views, beliefs and backgrounds and in all sorts of ways, from chatting over coffee to an in-depth discussion of a theological question; from listening to a story to praying together; from walking the labyrinth to designing a knitting project. I'm helped in all of this by Chappy the Bear, the Chaplaincy mascot and my right-hand bear.

I'm usually on campus on Fridays during semester time; on other days of the week, you can DM or follow me on Instagram @chaplain_lesley and make friends with Chappy the Chaplaincy Bear @chappythebear.

Natalie Clark

Tel: 07553 502 806


Deacon Natalie Clark

Hi! I am a Methodist Chaplain at the University as part of my role as a Deacon in the Forth Valley Methodist Circuit.

I have a heart for wholeness and the importance of looking after our spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. I love being outdoors; walking, cycling, and being in nature in these beautiful surroundings.

You can find me in the Chaplaincy most Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 13:00 and I will be hosting a wellbeing walk to the labyrinth most weeks (weather permitting), check the Chaplaincy What’s On for details


Jon Connell

Tel: 07983 897 841

Scottish Episcopal Church

Rev Jon Connell

Since losing an argument about the existence of God and the nature of good and evil to an imaginary friend at age eight, I have been interested in exploring theology, philosophy, and history. 

Originally from northwest Canada, I wanted to pursue warmer climes, so with my typical wisdom chose the sunny and tropical districts of the Trossachs. 

A father of two and husband of one, I am Rector of two beautiful wee churches in the Highlands. Noticing that I wasn’t ticking up the mileage enough driving my children around the Trossachs, I decided to add Stirling University to my weekly dance card. 

My hobbies are sleeping, eating, debating the finer points of interfaith interpretations of meaning, and penning ridiculous autobiographical statements that no one reads. 

I am generally loitering with intent to listen on Mondays, or by appointment. 


Faith representatives

Jeremy Fox

14 Ronald Place
Stirling FK8 1LF
Tel: 01786 463 038


Jeremy Fox

I became a Baha’i as a first-year undergraduate at Cambridge. After graduating, I did my teacher training and got my first job in Swansea and after four years I moved to teach in Tobermory for twelve years, on the Isle of Mull, followed by twenty years in France. While there, following up on my Christian background, I decided to translate Baha’u’llah’s Tablet to the Christians (Lawh-i-Aqdas) into French (with help) and wrote a commentary on it. Later I produced an English version (subsequently others translated it into German and Italian). There is also an Amazon Kindle version under the title “Reflections on Baha’u’llah’s Letter to the Christians”.

I now live in Stirling with my wife Carolyn and together we have taken many travel-teaching trips around the world. Carolyn and I hold fortnightly meditation meetings where we explore texts from both the Baha’i Writings and those of other Faith traditions on topics such as Patience, Strength, Unity, the Heart, and Positive Change. To join us check out details on the Chaplaincy What’s On page.

Kevin and Molly

Tel: 01786 467 509


Dr Kevin MacNeil

I am a long-term practising Buddhist, lecturer, and author. While my form of Buddhism is Zen, I have knowledge of diverse forms of Buddhism. I am a Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University, and one of my areas of expertise is the intersection of Buddhist beliefs and Creative Writing practice. I am equally happy to meet with students who are curious about Buddhism or those who are already engaged in Buddhist practice of any kind. For pastoral support or just a chat over coffee, please feel free to get in touch.

Information on my Buddhist or secular meditation sessions will also be available on the Chaplaincy What’s On page.

Eliran and Ayalah

Rabbi Eliran Shabo

Tel: +44 7570 372 557

Ayalah Shapira-Shabo

Tel: +44 7570 372 586


Rabbi Eliran Shabo and Ayalah Shapira-Shabo

We joined the University Jewish Chaplaincy in August 2022, along with our two children, after two years in Athens where we worked with the Jewish community with a variety of audiences. We are both proud to work with the future generation of the Jewish world, to support and assist during the busy university years.

We believe that engaging in Jewish life on campus and being part of a vibrant community is truly empowering. Our passion lies in creating an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters positive experiences for all Jewish students.

Sabah Bhatti

Tel: 07549 162 879


Sabah Bhatti

Hi, I am delighted to be part of a wonderful Chaplaincy team as one of the Muslim Faith Representatives. I work part-time as a teaching assistant in a local high school. For over ten years I have worked with our family charity Stirling Aid. We support local food banks and distribute aid to those in need. My other interests include henna art, fashion, travelling, charity work and supporting students here at the university.

Dr Multani

Tel: 07976 117 598


Dr Satwant Multani

I have been supporting students at University of Stirling and Strathclyde University for many years. I like to help students when they need pastoral support and make sure I do my best to resolve any issues they may have. I love my role in supporting students. I have a drop-in session on Thursday in the Chaplaincy, from 12:30 to 13:30.

Since retiring from my professional role of Physician in 2006, I have been the Sikh Chaplain to Forth Valley Royal Hospital and on the steering committee for Chaplaincy with the Scottish Prison Service. I am also a Community Adviser to Police Scotland.

Belief representatives

Campus loch and Wallace Monument


Contact the Chaplaincy at 

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If you are not sure who you want to talk to or you have a student support enquiry, contact the Student Services Hub via Live Chat on your Portal, by phoning 01786 466022 or emailing