Student sport and wellbeing

Being active at University can improve your mental and physical well-being, increase your grade expectations and make you feel more included in the university community. That’s why we have lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved.

Club sport

Working with the University Sports Union, we support a comprehensive club sport programme for students of all abilities and interests.

Social sport

Our Social Sport Leagues provide our students and staff with a great opportunity to play semi-competitive sport on a weekly basis.


We can help you take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether or not you’ve played sport, or been inside a gym, there is something for everyone.

Performance sport

As Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence, we’re at the forefront of helping and inspiring talented athletes to fulfil their sporting and academic potential.

infographic: 1st in the UK, 2nd in the world

1st in the UK, 2nd in the world

social facilities and social activities

The International Student Barometer 2024

Contact student sport