How to book with University of Stirling Sport

The quickest and easiest way to book your session or class is to download our app which offers access to bookings, timetables and other content at the touch of a button.

You can also book online or contact us using the details below. Non-member community users must create a Pay as You Go account before booking.

Download our Sport app

Your sports facility in your pocket. Make bookings, check schedules, get notifications and more. Non-member community users must create a Pay as You Go account before booking.

Get it on Google Play

Download on the app store

Booking online

You can also book classes through our new online portal by following the on-screen instructions.

Group Bookings

If you would like to book any part of the indoor or outdoor facilities at University of Stirling Sport for group bookings, please email


If you have any issues with booking or registering please email and one of the team will be happy to assist.

Non-member community users must create a Pay as You Go account before booking. All students and staff will automatically have an account created when enrolling with the University.

Unsure about digital booking?

Whilst the app and portal are the simplest and quickest way to make a booking, we appreciate the transition to using these platforms can be tricky. Therefore if you require any assistance in making a booking using the app or online portal, please contact us on 01786 466900 or

Booking conditions

  • Fitness classes and yoga and pilates are bookable up to 4 days in advance.
  • Please only book a class if you know you are able to attend.
  • Booked classes can be cancelled via the app or portal 60 minutes before the class is due to start. We ask that customers please cancel their space as soon as they become aware they are not able to attend. There are limited spaces available, therefore cancelling will provide opportunity for other customers to take part.
  • Paid-for classes are non-refundable.

Just Play Sport

  • Just Play Sport bookings must be made in advance via the University of Stirling Sport app or website. You will not be granted access without a booking due to the need to comply with track and trace. 
  • Just Play Sport is free for members and £2 for non-members.  
  • Just Play Sport bookings can be made up to four days in advance.  Bookings can be made up to 15 minutes before the session is due to start.
  • Household Sport bookings can be made up to four days in advance by one member of the household.  Bookings can be made up to 15 minutes before the session
  • Access will be permitted at the start time of a booking.  For an indoor booking, please swipe in via the reception gates.
  • Cancellations must be made 1 hour prior to the booking start time.  Should a student fail to attend their booked session or cancel with less than 1 hour's notice, three times, the customer’s ability to book online will be revoked for 1 week. 
  • Waiting lists will be enabled, and correspondence will be sent out to all those on the waiting list should a space become available on a class that was previously full. The space can be taken on a first come, first serve basis by anybody on the waiting list. 

Household sport

  • Household Sport bookings must be made in advance via the University of Stirling Sport app or website. You will not be granted access without a booking due to the need to comply with track and trace.
  • Household Sport is charged per court so rates vary per activity.
  • Household Sport bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance. Bookings can be made up to 15 minutes before the session is due to start.
  • Only one member of the household will be required to make the booking on behalf of a maximum of 6 per household.  All students MUST be from the same household. Household members must report to reception as a group, 5 minutes before the activity is due to start.  
  • Cancellations must be made 1 hour prior to the booking start time. Should a student fail to attend their booked session or cancel with less than 1 hours' notice, three times, the customer’s ability to book online will be revoked for 1 week.
  • Waiting lists will be enabled, and correspondence will be sent out to all those on the waiting list should a space become available on a class that was previously full. The space can be taken on a first come, first serve basis by anybody on the waiting list.

  • Sports Union club training bookings must be made in advance via the University of Stirling Sport app or website. The club will not grant access to training without a booking due to the need to comply with track and trace.
  • Students must have valid Sports Centre membership and the relevant club membership to book onto a training session.
  • Sports Union club training bookings can be made up to four days in advance and up to 30 minutes before the training session is due to start.
  • Access will be permitted at the start time of a booking. For an indoor booking, please swipe in via the reception gates.
  • Waiting lists will be enabled, and correspondence will be sent out to all those on the waiting list should a space become available on training that was previously full. The space can be taken on a first come, first serve basis by anybody on the waiting list.