Children's swimming lessons

Children can learn to swim, develop technique and gain confidence in the water with our classes for nursery age upwards.

Our Learn to Swim programme follows the National Swimming Framework for Scotland. The framework provides a clear set of national standards and a pathway which allows you to follow your child’s progression and their ability to swim.

Summer Swimming Lessons

We will be running additional children's swimming lessons during the 2024 school Summer holidays with pre-school and Swim Skills 1, 2 and 3 classes available.

Visit our HomePortal for details of available dates, times and prices.

Summer holiday lessons are open to new customers as well as existing lesson attendees.


Swimming levels

Class  Description
Pre-school To become water confident and develop core aquatic skills (without adult assistance but with buoyancy aids as required).
Swim Skills 1 To further develop water confidence and develop core aquatic skills without buoyancy aids.
Swim Skills 2 To increase the competency of the core aquatic skills and develop basic stroke techniques.
Swim Skills 3 Introduce more advanced stroke techniques and develop diving.
Swim Skills 4 To improve the quality of stroke technique, introduce multi-aquatic skills/disciplines and basic lifesaving skills.
Club Ready To improve and maintain stroke technique over distance and develop basic training and race skills producing a swimmer who is ‘Club Ready’ 
SwimFIT To maintain stroke technique and fitness for those who have achieved or working towards completing Swim Skills 4.

Class schedule


2024/25 Weekly Programme Schedule

Mondays: 16:00 to 19:00 (Pre-School, Swim Skills 1 - 4)

Wednesdays: 16:00 to 19:00 (Pre-School, Swim Skills 1 - 4, Club Ready)

Fridays: 16:00 to 19:00 (Pre-School, Swim Skills 1 - 4, Swimfit)


2024/25 Programme Term Dates

Monday 19 August 2024 - Sunday 15 December 2024

Monday 6 January 2025 - Sunday 6 April 2025

Tuesday 21 April 2025 - Sunday 29 June 2025



Lesson type Payment option Cost Cost (From 1 August)
30 minute class
  • Pre-School
  • Swim Skills 1-4
10 lesson block £63 £69.50
30 minute class
  • Pre-School
  • Swim Skills 1-4
Monthly Direct Debit £22.80 £25
45 minute class
  • Swim Skills 3-4
  • Club Ready
  • Swimfit
10 lesson block £75 £82.50
45 minute class
  • Swim Skills 3-4
  • Club Ready
  • Swimfit
Monthly Direct Debit £27.10 £29.80

Payment by monthly Direct Debit:

  • Based on a 40 week programme, from August to June.
  • Cost includes the festive break at Christmas and Easter school break.
  • We freeze our Direct Debits for the month of July, meaning that no payment will be taken at the start of this month.

Individual tuition

A limited timetable of 1:1 swimming is now available from Sunday 1 October.

Book via our Sport app or call our team on 01786 466900 to find out more.

How to book

New participants can check for availability, and book directly to classes where space allows, using our HomePortal.

You can still enquire directly by emailing us at, or by calling 01786 466900.

Class places will be allocated at the appropriate level on a first come, first served basis.