Psychology placements

If you have a specific business challenge that you don’t have the time or resource to tackle, hosting a Stirling student for a placement may offer the perfect solution.

Read on for more information about how student placements can benefit your business, or contact us to ask a question. 

Psychology student

Student placements and projects

Our students are looking for work experience related to their studies throughout the year. By welcoming a Stirling student into your business, you’ll be gaining a valuable asset to help you tackle a specific project or need, as well as building relationships with the next generation of leaders.

What key skills can our Psychology students offer to your business?

Our Psychology students add value to your organisation by undertaking a project(s) through our highly regarded placement and project programme. We are one of the leading Psychology departments in the UK, offering award-winning psychology courses.

Training in Psychology is an excellent foundation for a broad range of careers and sectors and equips students with valuable skills including: data management and analysis; quantitative and qualitative research; survey skills; information management; statistics; social media management; literature reviews and report writing; interpersonal skills and networking; fundraising; event management; befriending and others.

Examples of previous projects

Previous projects reflect the diversity and breadth of skills and knowledge a psychology student can bring to you organisation:

  • creating a social media campaign to increase awareness of your organisation or product
  • testing products or service in the design phase
  • client and service users survey
  • data analysis
  • befriending
  • literature reviews and report writing

Case Studies

‘We worked with Stirling University to help us find two Undergraduate Psychology students who could support our business on a new project that measures personality using online tasks. We hoped the students could support with the testing of this new personality system and also undertake marketing activity to promote it. The students were brilliant and undertook various activities whilst working with us including providing user feedback on the business system, writing various articles including for LinkedIn on aspects of the business approach and also developing content for our tasks.

The student placements are very useful and we would highly recommend them to other employers, especially if you have work that is interesting for students and at a suitable level. We found that the time spent on calls sharing our experience and asking for their input was very worthwhile.’

Mosaic Assessments
Johnny Mitchell, Director

‘Sarah, a Psychology student, came from Stirling University to help our business create communication resources for young women embarking on their periods, to help them cope physically and emotionally in managing these. These resources were trialled with some families and the results of the study were analysed and documented. As well as achieving the project that was set, other areas were identified which could be addressed with similar communication resources which was very valuable to our business. She took responsibility of this project from creating the resources and the questionnaire to conducting the interviews, analysing the responses and writing of the report. Sarah brought a vast range of skills and knowledge to the business including analytical, empathetic, communication, data analysis, interviewing and writing skills which will stay with us moving forward. This partnership with Stirling University has been very welcomed and is very innovative.’

The Makaton Charity
Shelina Mitha, Senior Tutor

‘We were commissioned by the Scottish Government to do a pilot project looking at Rights Respecting practice in Scotland and we reached out to Stirling University to get the help of Natalie, an undergraduate Psychology student for this project. We were specifically looking for support with data management, analysis and research. We worked with Natalie to run focus groups in schools with pupils and staff and she helped to capture feedback. Natalie not only achieved the agreed aims and outcomes of the project but exceeded our expectations and she showed dedication and commitment to every task she was asked to do, consistently delivering an excellent level of work. We would highly recommend other employers to host students to support on projects or placements as they are very helpful and professional and great care is taken by the University to match the right student with the needs of the employer.’ 

Talking Mats
Margo Mackay, Associate

‘Barbara, who was completing a Human-Animal Interaction Masters course supported our business which provides animal assisted activities for children and young people experiencing emotional and behavioural struggles. We worked with Barbara to develop new welfare-friendly animal assisted activities to enhance our online programmes and she supported with a lot of research work. She brought a highly organised approach to her work and her background gave her a strong understanding of the needs of care experienced children and young people. The university provided me the opportunity to speak to the students to set out what projects we had to work on and what

benefits could be gained in return for a student and having that opportunity to discuss expectations and provide a placement which offered mutual benefit for us and the student made the matching process really effective. Having a student work with us on a placement has been a really positive experience all round.’

Kirsty MacQueen, Director

Benefits to you

You’ll benefit from access to world-class education and knowledge being applied to your business. Our students get to apply what they learn in a practical setting and provide you, as the host organisation, with an outside perspective on an opportunity, project or problem. Student projects can provide:

  • Fresh insights to your business area
  • An opportunity to drive forward a project or part of a project
  • Access to specialists skills such as data analysis, surveying or statistics
  • Further links to the University for research and Continuous Professional Development
  • An opportunity to potentially recruit graduates in the future


Projects and placements vary in their length from a minimum of 50 hours up to approximately 160 hours in both the autumn and spring semesters. Businesses can also request multiple students to do several projects (a mix of short and long term). We offer both undergraduate and postgraduate placements. Staff will guide you to the most appropriate form of placement based on your project scope.

What next

  • Consider what area you would like help with from the placement or project.
  • Complete the initial scoping form to clarify your thoughts on what type of placement or project you would like a student to support with.
  • Identify a key contact or mentor in the business to oversee the student and keep in communication with their supervisor on progress.


Complete our scoping form to let us know the kind of support you're looking for and what you'd like students to work on within your business.


For more information, please contact Hazel O’Donnell