Students from the Stirling Management School can contribute a vast range of skills and knowledge to suit many different projects and working environments. Students are available from a number of different degrees to undertake collaborative projects with businesses to the benefit of all parties.
External businesses submit proposals to suit their needs and if accepted, students are recruited by academic staff so that the most appropriate degree programmes and students are selected. As these projects are part of the students’ coursework, no employment costs are required and only reasonable travel, subsistence and project payments are requested if these are required. Projects are done at different times throughout the year although most take place from late May/June to August with project proposals typically required by the end of February.
As well as the needs of the external provider, projects should meet the academic requirements and deadlines of the degree course. The student will have a university supervisor and an organisation mentor is also required. The organisation mentor will oversee the day-to-day project supervision, workplace induction (if student based onsite) and be able to discuss the student’s progress and performance with the university supervisor. These, and other matters are considered in the University of Stirling Work Placement and Project Policy and will be adopted, to ensure best practice and desired outcomes are achieved. Throughout the process, external businesses are guided and informed of the timelines and requirements for each specific project.