Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Science placements

If you have a specific business challenge that you don’t have the time or resource to tackle, hosting a Stirling student for a placement may offer the perfect solution.

Read on for more information about how student placements can benefit your business, or contact us to ask a question

Student holding a clipboard outdoors

Student placements and projects

Our students are looking for work experience related to their studies throughout the year. By welcoming a Stirling student into your business, you’ll be gaining a valuable asset to help you tackle a specific project or need, as well as building relationships with the next generation of leaders.

What skills can our Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Science students offer your organisation?

Our MSc Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences is recognised as internationally leading in training environmental managers for careers in the public and private sectors. Our students have a wide range of skills, including in-depth and structured literature reviews (with access to scientific literature and library services), statistical analysis in the R language, spatial mapping and GIS, policy analysis, stakeholder interviews and online surveys and writing reports.

Examples of previous projects

  • Marine Scotland – managing marine plastics in the North Sea
  • NatureScot – delivering a decision support tool to take into account the many pressures on marine protected areas and the implications of climate change on management
  • Natural Power – a socioeconomic impact assessment of renewable energy projects.
  • Corrour Estate – Using GIS to prioritise peatland habitats for restoration
  • NatureScot – People’s perceptions of/satisfaction with their local greenspace
  • Forth Rivers Trust – Investigating antimicrobial resistance in fresh water systems
  • On The Verge – site conditions and plant diversity in urban areas
  • Clackmannanshire Council – Investigating 'hidden' fuel poverty

When do students undertake their project?

Projects start at the beginning of June with some flexibility to start in May and early July. Project scopes and outlines will be ready by the end of March.

Students are responsible for the research conducted, analysed, interpreted, and written up. They will then be assessed through the preparation of a research report (8,000 words) and a poster, due within one week of each other.

Examples of project types

Projects often involve primary data collection, but some may focus more (or entirely) on secondary data analysis where data has already been collected. Project types can include:

  • human-focused research e.g. surveys, focus groups, interviews;
  • animal-based experiments and observations;
  • environmental sampling, fieldwork and analysis.


Submit a project proposal

Complete our scoping form to let us know the kind of support you're looking for and what you'd like students to work on within your business.

Get in touch

If you have any questions please contact Dr Tony Robertson.