
Making professional contacts is a good way to find out about the careers and industries you might want to work in. Networking is not about asking for a job, it’s about developing contacts in your chosen sector, becoming well informed and raising your professional profile.

You can meet new contacts in a number of ways including visiting careers fairs, joining a professional body or student society, and online networking.

Where can I network face-to-face?

Careers networking event at University of Stirling

Careers fairs and employer presentations

We offer lots of opportunities for you to meet professionals and employers on campus. We run a number of careers fairs and employer events throughout the year.

If you need support to get going, try student networking in pairs – this can be helpful if you find the process a bit awkward and feel you need some support, but make sure you do meet new people and don’t just rely on your friend for company. Make sure you make a note of who you’ve met and ask for business cards, so you can follow up on your new connections.

Find out about our careers fairs and events on TARGETconnect
Graduate students

Alumni networks

For graduates, our Alumni Association runs a number of networking and reunion events throughout the world, where you can meet fellow alumni and build new contacts who could help with your future career. You can also keep in touch with your peers by joining our active alumni groups on LinkedIn and X.

Alumni and supporters
People networking

Professional bodies

Most professions have a professional body or membership organisation that can provide networking opportunities, courses and skills sessions which can give you insights into the sector.

A number of our courses are accredited by professional bodies. More information can be found on individual course pages.

Top 10 tips for networking success

  1. Build your online network by using LinkedIn and X
  2. Be able to articulate what you’re looking for and how others may help you
  3. Identify the sectors, companies and contacts you want to target and keep up-to-date with developments
  4. Attend relevant conferences and events and be proactive about meeting new people
  5. Networking is a two-way process. Think about what you have to offer others.
  6. Develop your networking skills - smile, make eye contact and treat everyone with respect
  7. Look for work shadowing opportunities
  8. Follow up with contacts you meet at events
  9. Research potential contacts before you meet them and have an idea of what you want to ask them
  10. Attend careers events while you’re still studying. See events on TARGETconnect.

Contact the Careers Service

You can contact us via TARGETconnect.

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