Research and development

From short pieces of contract research through to long-term R&D projects, working with us can provide you with access to state-of-the-art facilities, new research relevant to your industry and a worldwide network of contacts. We’ve already forged successful research and development partnerships with businesses in the UK and beyond, and your business could be the next to benefit.

Research partnerships in action

Find out how we're monitoring Scotland's waters from space with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. 

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Utilising data gathered from satellites offers many opportunities in environmental protection and assessment and I am very excited about SEPA’s involvement in this joint venture with the University of Stirling.

Dr David Pirie, Executive Director Scottish Environment Protection Agency

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More business services


Our research team can bring the latest findings from the field directly into your organisation.

Short courses

We offer a wide range of skill-boosting programmes for businesses and individuals. 

Contact Research, Innovation and Business Engagement

To find out more about how we can support your business ambitions, please get in touch.