Knowledge exchange

Innovation and the pursuit of new insights is embedded in our research culture at the University of Stirling – as is our desire to share what we’re learning. We regularly host conferences to communicate developments in a particular field, and can also accommodate your business with our excellent conference facilities. Keep an eye on our events page to see how – and when – we’re sharing our knowledge with businesses and the public.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

One of the ways we strive to help businesses boost their profitability and productivity is through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs). KTPs are partly funded programmes through which your company hosts a Stirling graduate on placement and receives ongoing support from one of our academics, with their combined skills helping you tackle a specific problem or challenge.

Read more about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

More business services


Our research team can bring the latest findings from the field directly into your organisation.

Short courses

We offer a wide range of skill-boosting programmes for businesses and individuals. 

Contact Research, Innovation and Business Engagement

To find out more about how we can support your business ambitions, please get in touch.