Dr Line Caes

Outputs related to Dr Line Caes

Showing 115 Outputs


Uny I, Kambalame L, Price H, Caes L, Kalumbi LR, Semple S, Lucas S, Orina F, Chasima T, Chamba MVM & Meme H (2024) Beyond high-level recommendations and rule books: doing the ‘hard work’ of global health research – lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary global partnership. BMJ Global Health, 9, Art. No.: e015169. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2024-015169


Uny I, Chamba M, Chasima T, Caes L, Kalumbi L, Orina F, Kambalame L, Semple S, Price H, Lucas S & Meme H (2023) The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi., Edinburgh, 13.11.2023. https://rse.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/RSE-AWG-scoping-project-report.pdf

Presentation / Talk

France E, Caes L, Uny I, Forbat L, Silveira Bianchim M, Noyes J, Jordan A, Turley R & Thomson K (2023) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography. Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.11.2023.


France E, Uny I, Turley R, Thomson K, Noyes J, Jordan A, Forbat L, Caes L & Silveira Bianchim M (2023) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group (Editor) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023 (10), Art. No.: CD014873. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd014873.pub2

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Silveira Bianchim M, Jordan A, Uny I, Noyes J, Forbat L, Line C, Ruth T & France E (2023) Co-producing with children and young people for a meta-ethnography on experiences of chronic pain, treatments and services.. Abstracts of the 27th Cochrane Colloquium. Cochrane Colloquium, London, UK, 04.09.2023-06.09.2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd202301


Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S & Semple S (2023) OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 06.09.2023. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech-2023-ssmabstracts.13

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S, Semple S & Orina F (2023) Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi). The KASH Conference, Nairobi, kenya, 13.02.2023-16.02.2023. https://www.kemri.go.ke/kash-14/#1571270387975-4b3b4eea-d7ab


France E, Noyes J, Forbat L, Uny DI, Jordan A, Caes L & Turley R (2022) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022 (7), Art. No.: CD014873. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd014873

Conference Abstract

France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Bianchim MS (2022) 522 A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Liverpool. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 107 (Supplement 2), pp. A514-A515. https://doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2022-rcpch.828


France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveira Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 07.04.2022-09.04.2022.


France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveria Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Auckland New Zealand & online, 24.03.2022-27.03.2022.

Book Chapter

Caes L, Forgeron P & Goubert L (2021) Pain: A Biopsychosocial Phenomenon. In: Managing Pain in Children: A Clinical Guide. 3rd ed. London: Wiley.


Rheel E, Ickmans K, Caes L & Vervoort T (2021) The Impact of Parental Pain-attending and Non-pain-attending Responses on Child Pain Behavior in the Context of Cancer-related Painful Procedures: The Moderating Role of Parental Self-oriented Distress. Clinical Journal of Pain, 37 (3), pp. 177-185. https://doi.org/10.1097/ajp.0000000000000902


Caes L & Roche M (2020) Adverse early life experiences are associated with changes in pressure and cold pain sensitivity in young adults. Commentary on: Waller R, Smith AJ, OʼSullivan PB, et al. The association of early life stressors with pain sensitivity and pain experience at 22 years. Pain 2020;161:220-9.. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 9 (4), pp. 1366-1369. https://doi.org/10.21037/apm-20-914


Chambers CT, Dol J, Parker JA, Caes L, Birnie KA, Taddio A, Campbell-Yeo M, Halperin SA & Langille J (2020) Implementation Effectiveness of a Parent-Directed YouTube Video ("It Doesn't Have To Hurt") on Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Needle Pain: Descriptive Survey Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 3 (1), Art. No.: e13552. https://doi.org/10.2196/13552


O'Higgins S, Stinson J, Ahola Kohut S, Caes L, Heary C & McGuire BE (2019) Lending an Ear: iPeer2Peer plus Teens Taking Charge online self-management to empower adolescents with arthritis in Ireland: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9 (12), Art. No.: e027952. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027952


Caes L (2019) Commentary: Parent-child interactions during painful medical procedures: recommendations by Blount and colleagues (1991) have not fallen on deaf ears!. Commentary on: Blount, R. L., Landolf-Fritsche, B., Powers, S. W., & Sturges, J. W. (1991). Differences between high and low coping children and between parent and staff behaviors during painful medical procedures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 16(6), 795-809.. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44 (7), pp. 794-797. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsz032

Book Chapter

Caes L & O'Higgins S (2018) Listen to us! The voices of young children with pain!. In: Carrol C & Twomey M (eds.) Seen and Heard: Exploring Participation, Engagement and Voice for Children with Disabilities. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. https://www.peterlang.com/abstract/title/64189?rskey=pk8IjA&result=3


Newell A, Keane J, McGuire B, Heary C, McDarby V, Dudley B, Moran J, Francis K & Caes L (2018) Interactive versus Passive Distraction and Parent Psychoeducation as pain management techniques during pediatric venepuncture: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34 (11), pp. 1008-1016. https://doi.org/10.1097/AJP.0000000000000628


Kemani M, Kanstrup M, Jordan A, Caes L & Gauntlett-Gilbert J (2018) Evaluation of an Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescents With Chronic Pain and Their Parents: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43 (9), pp. 981-994. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsy031


Caes L, Caldwell CA, Rafetseder E, Grainger C, Renner E, Atkinson M, Shing YL & Kuipers JR (2017) Little Scientists – Big Impact [The Developmental Research Team at the University of Stirling explain why they love their psychology kindergarten]. The Psychologist, 30, pp. 30-33. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-30/october/little-scientists-big-impact


Caes L & Jordan A (2017) The pain of youth. Psychologist, 30, pp. 24-27. http://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-30/february-2017/pain-youth


Caes L, Vervoort T, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Goubert L (2014) Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: Implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia-related medical procedures. Clinical Journal of Pain, 30 (9), pp. 787-799. https://doi.org/10.1097/AJP.0000000000000028


Caes L, Goubert L, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Vervoort T (2014) The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39 (7), pp. 677-686. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsu034

Website Content

Gorodzinsky A & Caes L (2013) Naturalistic Parental Pain Management During Immunizations During the First Year of Life: Observational Norms From the OUCH Cohort [Ethical considerations of naturalistic research- related observations in a clinical pain context (author title)]. Pain Research Forum, 18.12.2013. http://www.painresearchforum.org/forums/journal-club/34983-naturalistic-parental-pain-management-during-immunizations-during-first-year-life

Website Content

Birnie KA & Caes L (2012) Predicting Adult Outcomes from Childhood Pain Profiles. Pain Research Forum, 09.11.2012. http://www.painresearchforum.org/forums/journal-club/21586-predicting-adult-outcomes-childhood-pain-profiles