Professor Richard Quilliam


Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Richard Quilliam

About me

I am Professor of Environment and Health, with research interests in water quality and sanitation, environmental pathogen ecology, sustainable agriculture & agroecology, and sustainable disease & waste management. My work adopts methods and theories from both the natural & social sciences and employs both qualitative & participatory approaches with a significant level of engagement with local communities.

Brief Biography

2019 – Professor

2016-2019. Senior Lecturer (University of Stirling)

2012-2016. Lecturer (University of Stirling)

2007-2012. Post-doctoral Research Associate (Bangor University)

2006 Ph.D, Plant Physiology & Pathology (University of Sheffield)

2002 BSc. Plant Biology (Bangor University)

Current projects as Principal Investigator

2021-2025: SPACES: Sustainable Plastic Attitudes to benefit Communities and their Environments (£3.85 million; NERC-GCRF)

2021-2022: Using genomic sequencing to identify and characterise genospecies within the Rhizobium leguminosarum complex linked to increased performance and yield of a legume crop (£57k, BBSRC)

2021-2022: Sustainable waste management and Covid-19: an opportunity to build resilience into the livelihoods of informal waste pickers in South Africa (£30k; SFC-GCRF Covid-19 Urgency call)

2019-2023: Microbial hitchhikers of marine plastics: survival, persistence, and ecology of microbial communities in the ‘Plastisphere’ (£1.85 million, NERC)

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