Place-pedagogies of water stress
Wilson A, Black G, Petersen L, Dick L, Ncube S, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Abrams A, Carden K, Piper L, Dickie J, Hamilton-Smith N & Lamb G (2025) Place-pedagogies of water stress. Global Social Challenges, 20 (20), pp. 1-33.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Embracing Emerging Technologies in Policing: Key Considerations
Connon I, Egan M, Hamilton-Smith N, Mackay N, Miranda D & Webster CW (2024) Embracing Emerging Technologies in Policing: Key Considerations. AI and Surveillance in Policing and Law and Order: Opportunities, Threats, Perspectives and Cases, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16.10.2024-18.10.2024.
Living the life of floods: place-based learning in an Anthropocene harmscape
Dickie J, Wilson A, Dick L, Ncube S, Abrams A, Black G, Blair N, Carden K, Hamilton-Smith N, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Petersen L & Robertson G (2023) Living the life of floods: place-based learning in an Anthropocene harmscape. Geoforum, 147, Art. No.: 103914.
Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa
Ncube S, Wilson A, Petersen L, Black G, Abrams A, Carden K, Dick L, Dickie J, Gibson L, Hamilton-Smith N, Ireland A, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Piper L & Swanson D (2023) Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8 (1), Art. No.: 100710.
Research Report
Highland Custody Link Worker Project – Independent Support for Evaluation
Graham H, Hamilton-Smith N & Kjellgren R (2023) Highland Custody Link Worker Project – Independent Support for Evaluation. Highland Third Sector Interface. Stirling.
Research Report
Review of emerging technologies in policing: findings and recommendations
Connon I, Egan M, Hamilton-Smith N, MacKay N, Miranda D & Webster W (2023) Review of emerging technologies in policing: findings and recommendations. Scottish Institute for Policing Research. Edinburgh.
Lights, camera, provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football
Hamilton-Smith N, McBride M & Atkinson C (2021) Lights, camera, provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football. Policing and Society, 31 (2), pp. 179-194.
Correction to: Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime (Trends in Organized Crime, (2020), 10.1007/s12117-020-09393-9)
Clark A, Fraser A & Hamilton-Smith N (2021) Correction to: Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime (Trends in Organized Crime, (2020), 10.1007/s12117-020-09393-9). Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (2), pp. 263-264.
Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime
Clark A, Fraser A & Hamilton-Smith N (2021) Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime. Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (2), pp. 246-262.
Judicial perspectives on the sentencing of minor drug offenders in Indonesia: discretionary practice and compassionate approaches
Mustafa C, Malloch M & Hamilton Smith N (2020) Judicial perspectives on the sentencing of minor drug offenders in Indonesia: discretionary practice and compassionate approaches. Crime, Law and Social Change, 74 (3), p. 297–313.
Still an 'invisible crime'? Exploring developments in the awareness and control of human trafficking in Scotland
Atkinson C & Hamilton-Smith N (2020) Still an 'invisible crime'? Exploring developments in the awareness and control of human trafficking in Scotland. European Journal of Criminology.
Newspaper / Magazine
How organised crime affects the most vulnerable communities
Hamilton-Smith N (2018) How organised crime affects the most vulnerable communities. The Conversation. 13.06.2018.
Research Report
Community Experiences of Serious Organised Crime in Scotland
Fraser A, Hamilton-Smith N, Clark A, Atkinson C, Graham W, McBride M, Doyle M & Hobbs D (2018) Community Experiences of Serious Organised Crime in Scotland. Scottish Government. Social Research Series. Edinburgh.
Newspaper / Magazine
War on drugs is unwinnable, but locking up Mr Bigs is still worth it
Hamilton-Smith N (2018) War on drugs is unwinnable, but locking up Mr Bigs is still worth it. The Conversation. 26.01.2018.
Research Report
The Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime: Protocol for a Systematic Review
Atkinson C, Mackenzie S & Hamilton-Smith N (2017) The Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime: Protocol for a Systematic Review. Economic and Social Research Council. What Works: Crime Reduction Systematic Review Series. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Research Report
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime
Atkinson C, Mackenzie S & Hamilton-Smith N (2017) A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime. Economic and Social Research Council. What Works: Crime Reduction Systematic Review Series, 9. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Book Chapter
Organised crime in Scotland and the Criminal Justice Response
Cavanagh B, Hamilton-Smith N & Mackenzie S (2016) Organised crime in Scotland and the Criminal Justice Response. In: Croall H, Mooney G & Munro M (eds.) Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 115-130.
Public Processions and Social Context: Challenges in the Search for Community Impact
Hamilton-Smith N, Malloch M & Ashe S (2015) Public Processions and Social Context: Challenges in the Search for Community Impact. Scottish Affairs, 24 (3), pp. 308-327.
Research Report
An evaluation of section 1 of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012
Hamilton-Smith N, Anderson S, Simpson I, McArdle D, McBride M, Goodall K, Haynes R, Jago N & Crawford J (2015) An evaluation of section 1 of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012. Scottish Government. Social Research Series. Scottish Government.
Research Report
Community Impact of Public Processions
Hamilton-Smith N, Malloch M, Ashe S, Rutherford AC & Bradford B (2015) Community Impact of Public Processions. Scottish Government. Social Research series: Crime and Justice. Scottish Government Social Research.
Book Chapter
Football Banning Orders: The Highly Effective Cornerstone of a Preventative Strategy?
Hopkins M & Hamilton-Smith N (2014) Football Banning Orders: The Highly Effective Cornerstone of a Preventative Strategy?. In: Hopkins M & Treadwell J (eds.) Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-247.;
Community policing and reassurance: Three studies, one narrative
Hamilton-Smith N, Mackenzie S, Henry A & Davidones C (2014) Community policing and reassurance: Three studies, one narrative. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14 (2), pp. 160-178.
The transfer of English legislation to the Scottish context: Lessons from the implementation of the Football Banning Order in Scotland
Hamilton-Smith N & Hopkins M (2013) The transfer of English legislation to the Scottish context: Lessons from the implementation of the Football Banning Order in Scotland. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 13 (3), pp. 279-297.
Book Chapter
England's Act, Scotland's Shame and the Limits of the Law
Hamilton-Smith N & McArdle D (2013) England's Act, Scotland's Shame and the Limits of the Law. In: Flint J & Kelly J (eds.) Bigotry, Football and Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 130-144.
Research Report
Care and Support for Adult Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: A Review
Malloch M, Warden T & Hamilton-Smith N (2012) Care and Support for Adult Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: A Review. Scottish Government. Social Research series. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Research Report
A Report on Child Trafficking and Care Provision: Towards Better Survivor Care
Rigby P, Malloch M & Hamilton-Smith N (2012) A Report on Child Trafficking and Care Provision: Towards Better Survivor Care. Love 146.
Research Report
An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland
Hamilton-Smith N, Bradford B, Hopkins M, Kurland J, Lightowler C, McArdle D & Tilley N (2011) An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland. Scottish Government. Scottish Government.
Measuring police impact on organised crime: Performance management and harm reduction
Mackenzie S & Hamilton-Smith N (2011) Measuring police impact on organised crime: Performance management and harm reduction. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 34 (1), pp. 7-30.
The geometry of shadows: a critical review of organised crime risk assessments
Hamilton-Smith N & Mackenzie S (2010) The geometry of shadows: a critical review of organised crime risk assessments. Policing and Society, 20 (3), pp. 257-279.
Research Report
Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing
Hamilton-Smith N & Patel S (2010) Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing. Home Office. Research Report, 42. Home Office.
Research Report
Measuring Police Impact on Organised Crime: a Review of SCDEA's Key Performance Indicators
Armstrong S, Hamilton-Smith N & Mackenzie S (2009) Measuring Police Impact on Organised Crime: a Review of SCDEA's Key Performance Indicators. Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA). Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Book Chapter
The Prevention of Domestic Burglary
Hamilton-Smith N & Kent A (2005) The Prevention of Domestic Burglary. In: Tilley N (ed.) Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 417-457.