December 2023 news
Archive news stories
A Doctoral project supporting academic capacity development in South Africa
The University of Stirling has partnered with four South African universities to enhance academic development and research at the country’s historically disadvantaged universities, including Nelson Mandela’s alma mater.
Study underlines impact of air pollution on people with asthma
University of Stirling study underlines impact of air pollution on people with asthma in Scotland
University of Stirling basketball team named national champions
The University of Stirling’s men’s basketball team have been crowned the top student team in Scotland.
New research could disrupt international trafficking of endangered pangolins
New research by the University of Stirling could disrupt the international trafficking of endangered pangolins
Researchers call for changes to tackle chronic pain in children
Health researchers at the University of Stirling are calling for an overhaul of services for children living with chronic pain.
Human decisions and human rights should be at the core of AI regulation, says UN adviser
It’s not quite time for machines to be taking over, according to a University of Stirling expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI), who says a human touch and close oversight is crucial to developing such technologies.
University of Stirling to host Gavin Wallace Fellowship
The University of Stirling is confirmed to host the 2024 Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship – a year-long writing residency which supports Scottish based mid-career and established writers to develop new work.
University of Stirling ranked top 13% in the world for sustainability
The University of Stirling has been ranked in the top 13% by the World University Rankings for Sustainability.
AI study creates faster and more reliable software
A University of Stirling AI study has created faster and more reliable software using Chat GPT.
48 students celebrate their graduation from UAE campus
Forty-eight students are celebrating their graduation from the University of Stirling’s campus in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Teacher education imperative for climate change and sustainability education
Teacher education is imperative to equip young people to live in a climate altered future, a new report has claimed.
University’s groundbreaking plan to plant millions of trees
A groundbreaking initiative led by the University of Stirling will see millions of trees planted across Forth Valley to tackle the twin crisis of climate change and biodiversity loss.
Giant white ribbon to light up Stirling campus in commitment to end gender-based violence
A giant white ribbon will shine on the University of Stirling campus for the next four nights to mark its commitment to help end violence against women.